Vermont Watershed Management in DEC at ANR

Combined Sewer Overflows and Untreated Discharges Reported in Date Range

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Public Alerts   are submitted by Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTF) for prompt public awareness of untreated discharges and their locations. These alerts have been directly reported by the WWTF and may not be reviewed by the State yet. WWTFs are required to submit a public alert as soon as possible, but no longer than one hour from discovery of an untreated discharge or no longer than four hours if the operator does not have telephone or internet service at the location or they are working to control or stop the untreated discharge.

Incident Reports   provide additional details, including an estimated volume of the discharge and corrective actions. Incident Reports are required to be submitted within 12 hours of discovery and available below. Click "View" to see the report. The Wastewater Treatment Facility link provides more detail about the facility.

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Incident Start Date Between
NOTE: This page displays four sets of data. (1) Public Alerts (2) New Incident Reports (3) Incident Reports (4) Authorized Wet Weather Combined Sewer Overflows Incident Reports
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Facility NameTownLocation DescriptionReceiving WatersDate/Time Submission EnteredID
PlainfieldPlainfieldTreatment plant outfallWinooski River3/25/2025 3:12:53 PM4104
MontpelierMontpelierCSO 003 - Bailey Ave. Winooski River 3/25/2025 8:45:03 AM4103
MontpelierMontpelierCSO 003 - Bailey AveWinooski river3/21/2025 6:54:52 AM4102
Winhall-Stratton FD1Stratton Mountainmanhole 97 North Branch RoadStratton snowmaking pond3/17/2025 9:34:29 AM4101
St JohnsburySt JohnsburyCSO – 14: (Mill Street)
CSO – 24: (Fairbanks Village behind Middle School)
CSO – 27: (Western Avenue)
Passumpsic River
Sleepers River
3/17/2025 6:34:01 AM4100
MontpelierMontpelier01- Taylor St Bridge
03- Bailey Ave
07- 10 Main St (siphon)
09- 152 Main St
023- Bailey Ave Bridge (siphon)
Winooski River
North Branch River
3/17/2025 6:27:23 AM4099
Troy & JayTroyTroy/Jay WWTF OutfallMissisquoi River3/10/2025 2:02:55 PM4098
BrandonBrandonWWTF Effluent outfallNeshobe River3/6/2025 6:22:21 PM4097
VergennesVergennesCSO#002 Otter Creek basin, below the falls in Vergennes.Otter Creek3/6/2025 2:39:39 PM4096
BrandonBrandonOutfallNeshobe River3/6/2025 12:13:50 PM4095
RutlandRutlandCSO # 1 - Calvary Cemetery
CSO # 2 - Home Plate, Ball Field
CSO # 3 - School Street & CSO # 4 - Meadow Street - Combined - Third Base, Ball Field

CSO # 5 - West Street Syphon - Possible, pending, waiting on data. May also be at high level.

East Creek & Otter Creek3/5/2025 7:44:01 PM4094
VergennesVergennesOutfall#002 below the falls in VergennesOtter Creek 3/5/2025 6:04:23 PM4093
NEW INCIDENT REPORTS   Pending review from DEC Wastewater staff
Start DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeLocationWaterbodyNature of IncidentEstimated Volume (gallons)Wastewater Treatment FacilityContact PersonSubmission Number
View02/06/202502/07/202503:08 pm09:20 amSusie Wilson Pump StationSunderland BrookDischarged untreated sewage98000Essex JunctionChelsea Mandigo, Water Quality SuperintendentHQA-7HCH-24ZE0
View03/06/2025 06:00 pm WWTFNeshobe RiverOther - Please describe in Description of Incident1000000BrandonTim KingstonHQA-X0QC-0V6V7
View03/12/2025 07:00 am OutfallConnecticut RiverDischarged treated and partially disinfected effluent1000000Lunenburg FD2Rodger Glenn Sheldon Chief OperatorHQB-7P17-5WDVP
View03/17/202503/18/202503:00 am12:30 pm142 IzzoOttauquechee RiverDischarged partially treated disinfected effluent650000Hartford - QuecheeBryan Gazda Director of public WorksHQB-7M6C-GM1WV
INCIDENT REPORTS   Reviewed by DEC Wastewater staff
Start DateEnd DateStart/End TimesMunicipalityLocationWaterbodyNature of IncidentEstimated Volume (gallons)Wastewater Treatment FacilityContact PersonSubmission NumberID
View2025-03-252025-03-2508:15 am to 09:10 amCity of Montpelier CSO 003 - Bailey Ave Winooski River Discharged untreated sewage16527MontpelierKurt Motyka - Public Works Director HQB-BMB2-DVK5F6754
View2025-03-252025-03-2511:10 am to 11:15 amTown of PlainfieldTreatment plantWinooski RiverDischarged partly treated undisinfected effluent2000PlainfieldTristan MacGregor-StewartHQB-BP4J-W75JP6753
View2025-03-062025-03-0608:00 am to 10:00 amBrandonOutfallNeshobe RiverDischarged partially treated disinfected effluent10000BrandonTim Kingston, Chief operatorHQA-WTBM-2E12B6738
View2025-03-062025-03-0605:30 am to 06:15 amTroy/JayWWTFMissisquoi RiverOther18000Troy & JaySteve Button, Chief OperatorHQA-ZY7A-H1SKM6746
Start DateEnd DateStart/End TimesMunicipalityLocationWaterbodyNature of IncidentEstimated Volume (gallons)Wastewater Treatment FacilityContact PersonSubmission NumberID
View2025-03-212025-03-2104:50 am to 07:15 amcity of MontpelierCSO - 003 Bailey AveWinooski riverAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow542MontpelierKurt Motyka - Public works DirectorHQB-8DFB-J8AZS6752
View2025-03-162025-03-1709:50 pm to 01:25 amMontpelierCSO 09- 152 Main StNorth BranchAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow137409MontpelierKurt Motyka- Public Works DirectorHQB-5G71-DCVVX6747
View2025-03-162025-03-1609:50 pm to 11:50 pmCity of MontpelierCSO 007 - 10 Main St (siphon)North BranchAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow8420 MontpelierKurt Motyka - Public Works DirectorHQB-5G8D-WRXH06748
View2025-03-162025-03-1711:50 pm to 12:20 amCity of Montpelier CSO 023 - Bailey Ave Bridge (siphon) Winooski River Authorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow1000MontpelierKurt Motyka - Public Works Director HQB-5GJH-9DN016749
View2025-03-162025-03-1705:20 pm to 02:35 pmMontpelierCSO 01- Taylor St BridgeWinooski RiverAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow204391MontpelierKurt Motyka- Public Works DirectorHQB-5HJS-253CQ6750
View2025-03-162025-03-1904:15 pm to 02:05 pmCity of Montpelier CSO 003 - Bailey AveWinooski River Authorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow100000MontpelierKurt Motyka - Public Works Director HQB-72JQ-RGFSD6751
View2025-03-162025-03-1710:30 pm to 03:35 amSt. JohnsburyCSO – 14: (Mill Street)Passumpsic RiverAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow14838St JohnsburySteve BeauregardHQB-57XM-R3ZCM6743
View2025-03-162025-03-1710:30 pm to 03:35 amSt. JohnsburyCSO – 27: (Western Avenue)Sleepers RiverAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow19838St JohnsburySteve BeauregardHQB-5805-KFM8M6744
View2025-03-162025-03-1710:30 pm to 03:35 amSt. JohnsburyCSO – 24: (Fairbanks Village behind Middle School)Sleepers RiverAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow2127St JohnsburySteve BeauregardHQB-57Z7-P0F6P6745
View2025-03-062025-03-0602:30 pm to 03:40 pmCity of VergennesMacdonough Dr. CSO#002Otter Creek Basin below the falls in VerAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow1900VergennesRick Chaput, Chief Operator HQA-XNSM-BHFCH6741
View2025-03-052025-03-0506:03 pm to 07:47 pmCity of RutlandCSO # 3 - School Street & CSO # 4 - Meadow Street - Combined - Third Base, Ball East CreekAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow145600RutlandRobert Protivansky, Commissioner of Public WorksHQA-WP8W-BWC676737
View2025-03-052025-03-0506:03 pm to 07:47 pmCity of RutlandCSO # 2 - Home Plate, Ball FieldEast CreekAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow72800RutlandRobert Protivansky, Commissioner of Public WorksHQA-WP36-XWD366739
View2025-03-052025-03-0506:03 pm to 07:47 pmCity of RutlandCSO # 1 - Calvary CemeteryOtter CreekAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow175414RutlandRobert Protivansky, Commissioner of Public WorksHQA-WNWX-RJQSJ6740
View2025-03-052025-03-0605:10 pm to 11:10 amCity of VergennesCSO#002 Otter Creek Basin below the falls in VergennesLake Champlain via Otter CreekAuthorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow303600VergennesRick Chaput, Chief Operator HQA-WVK9-GFCVD6742