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Alternative Labeling Renewal for Lamp Manufacturers

Alternative labeling approval(s) for lamps will expire on March 1, 2005. Please provide your request in writing to renew the alternative for an additional two-year duration. Submitted alternative renewals must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2004 to allow adequate time for the renewal process. We have extended this deadline from September to October stated because this guidance is being provided later than we had anticipated. Any alternative renewal requests postmarked later than October 1, 2004 will be returned and must be resubmitted as new alternative approval requests and repeat the initial review process.

For alternative renewals where there have been no changes in the product(s) covered under the alternative and you are requesting a renewal under the existing alternative for the same product(s), simply request renewal in writing for an additional two-year term and indicate there have been no changes. Specify the product categories you are including in your request as shown on your plan for alternatives 0257 and 0258 and those listed on your individual alternative approvals for all other alternative numbers.

For alternative renewals where there may be new products within the same product categories as listed on your original certified labeling plan, there is no need to provide additional information if the label placement, wording and font sizes are identical to the information for the series or family already listed for the previously approved alternative.

Alternatives granted for individual products or categories that have been discontinued, (that are specifically listed on your labeling plan and have not been replaced by a new product line), should be reported as discontinued.

Once your alternative renewal request has been received, the alternative will be reviewed and you will receive written notification of our decision.

Please mail your alternative renewal requests to:

Environmental Assistance Office
ATTN: Karen Knaebel
103 South Main Street, Laundry Building
Waterbury, VT 05671-0411

If you have questions or concerns, please contact: Karen Knaebel at (802) 241-3455.


page updated: 08/17/2007 16:58:00

Mercury Education & Reduction Campaign    103 South Main Street    Waterbury, VT 05671    802-241-3455
MERC is a program of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

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