Certified Labeling Plans
Vermont Mercury-Added Product Labeling Law requires that:
"each manufacturer certify that it has developed
a labeling plan for its mercury-added products that complies with
the labeling law . . . The labeling plan shall include detailed
descriptions of the products involved and the label size, material,
content, location, and attachment method for each product and for
the product packaging, where necessary under the rules, so a label
is clearly visible at time of purchase."
Note: If a manufacturer cannot comply with standard
labeling requirements they must submit an alternative labeling request
prior to submitting the Certified Labeling Plan.
Vermont is the only state, thus far, that requires the submission
of a Certified Labeling Plan. Other
states in the region, however, have labeling requirements and
will utilize Vermont's database labeling information to determine
if a manufacturer is in compliance for labeling in their specific
state. Manufacturers may be referred to other states if we have
knowledge of variations in labeling laws. Overall, the Northeast
regional state's mercury-added labeling requirements are very similar.
According to the Interstate
Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC)
"A labeling plan approved in Vermont probably will meet the
labeling requirements in other Northeast states."
How to file a Certified Labeling Plan?
- Download the Certified Labeling Plan
form off the website - this is a legal sized paper form (8
½" x 14") - to print this form on standard sized
paper (8 ½" x 11") some adjustments may have
to be made prior to printing. (If you have difficulties printing
this form, please contact Karen
Knaebel for assistance.)
- Complete the form, making certain that the submitted form has
an original signature.
- Make certain that products are listed with adequate detail.
- The product in the TYPE OF PRODUCT column should be the
product of the manufacturer submitting the form- whether it
is a component or the larger product. You can provide this
information by product category, series or family of products,
provided all labeling is identical as to label size, attachment
location and wording.
- The PR column is an indicator of what the component part
is, such as switch, lamp, etc. indicated by abbreviation listed
at the bottom of the form.
- The PRODUCT IDENTIFIER column is an identification of how
the manufacturer identifies its products - model names, model
numbers - series numbers (e.g. MBPXXXX)
- If one product has more than one mercury-added component,
simply drop down in the "PR" column and list one
under the other.
- If one product has more than one label location, information
can be dropped down in each of the "Label Size &
Material," "Location & Attachment Method,"
and "Content (wording) & Font Size" columns.
For example a single product may have 1) product label, 2)
package label, 3) information in sales literature and 4) information
on the web site. Each of these four labeling locations can
be conveyed in the labeling plan by placing numbers in each
of the columns and dropping down in the column to list the
appropriate information.
- In the ALT#/ GL # column - If you are using standard labeling,
this column does not require a number. If you are using one
of the guidelines or alternatives that have been assigned
for product categories, indicate the appropriate number. (i.e.
#0216, #103, etc.) If you have applied for alternative labeling
on an individual product and have been assigned an alternative
number, indicate the number assigned in this column.
- Once the form is completed, mail the form with an original
signature to the address indicated on the form.