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Stream Geomorphic Assessment Database Application

Phase 1


Metadata is used to document the methods and sources used in collecting Geomorphic Assessment Data. The RMS (Rivers Management Staff) has developed a list of standard metadata options for each of the Phase 1 parameters. The documentation of metadata is to be done during the manual data entry tasks using drop-down menu lists with options for each parameter. The default for each parameter is the data collection method most commonly used. If the default method was not used, the metadata must be changed for each applicable reach.

If none of the metadata options for a parameter adequately describes the method of data collection, the RMS staff should be contacted.

Themes Upload

Prior to running SGAT (Stream Geomorphic Assessment Tool) the sub-watershed bounds, meander centerline and the valley wall ArcView themes must be delineated. These three preliminary themes should be QA checked by the RMS prior to running the SGAT extension.

To upload the themes for QA review:
  • Log in and navigate the web application menus to:
    Projects | Phase 1 | < project name > | Themes Upload .
  • Only the files that are described by theme and extension, in the table, can be uploaded.
  • To upload files use the "Browse..." buttons to locate files on your computer that need to be uploaded.
  • Once all the files that are needed have been located, press the "Upload" button to upload the files.
  • Note that some "ArcView Themes" have five files (.shp, .dbf, .shx, .sbn, .sbx) and others only have the first three listed. Please upload all files that exist.
  • Also note that "Metadata" for the each "ArcView Theme" is required.
  • To save Metadata just choose where each "ArcView Theme" came from, in the drop down lists, and press the "Save Metadata" button.
  • Once all of the preliminary themes have been uploaded and the metadata saved, press the"Send E-mail" button.
  • The RMS staff person for your project will be notified via e-mail that the themes are ready for QA.
  • The expected turn around time for QA is approximately 10 work days.

If any errors are found, the RMS staff person will initiate contact to discuss the errors. If errors are found, the errors will need to be fixed, the themes will need to be re-upload and QA checked again.

SGAT Upload

After completing the SGAT portion of Phase I, the five resulting tables need to be uploaded for automated transfer of the data into the DMS. To do this upload each of the five files by navigating to the SGAT project file and selecting the appropriate file name. Once a theme has been uploaded run the automated QC check by pressing the QC check button.

If an error is found in the SGAT data, the DMS will open a new page, and list the specific error and where it is applicable to the reach. All errors must be fixed before the DMS will upload the data into the State wide database. Once the RchData.dbf is uploaded and checked, all the others SGAT files can be uploaded and checked. There is a view button in the right hand column that allows for viewing of the uploaded SGAT data, after uploaded and checked.

If more accurate soils or land use data becomes available, the SGAT tool can be re-run, using the new data, and then the Step 14 files can be re-upload to the SGA-DMS. The SGA-DMS is programmed to allow for inserts and/or updates to the SGAT data in any combination. Removal of Reaches and changes to ReachIDs can only be done by special request to the RMS.

Tributary Names

All stream names must be entered before proceeding to the manual data entry step!

In order to eliminate data entry redundancy the SGA-DMS allows for entry of each tributary name once for each Trib ID as identified in SGAT. The SGA-DMS will automatically populate each reach on the tributary with the appropriate name. The tributary name can be determined from the topographic map, Gazetteer or local knowledge. If the stream does not have a name list it as the first tributary to BLANK stream, second tributary to BLANK stream from downstream to upstream.

Exclude Reaches

The exclude reaches section of the Phase I SGA-DMS should only be used if manual entry of data is not planned for a Reach in Phase I.

Two examples of when to use Exclude:

  • The reach is impounded by a dam and therefore the SGA is not applicable.
  • Due to limited funding for a project, the entire watershed was completed in SGAT and the remaining Phase I parameters were only collected on select sub-set of the reaches. In order to prevent data entry errors, the user can exclude the SGAT-only reaches from showing up in the data entry section of the online DMS.

If either of these scenarios is true, select the exclude button on the left hand task bar and check the appropriate box that describes the reason for excluding the reach from the Phase I manual data entry.

Data Entry

The data entry area of the DMS is where all of the data, not automated by the SGAT or the FIT (Feature Indexing Tool) is to be entered. Collect the data on the paper data sheets and manually enter the data in the appropriate protocol step. Don’t forget to document the appropriate metadata!

FIT Upload

The Feature Indexing Tool (FIT) should be used to document the following impacts to a stream in Phase 1:

  • Alluvial Fan
  • Bank Armoring or Revetment
  • Bridge or Culvert
  • Buffer < 25 feet
  • Development
  • Dredging
  • Encroachment (e.g., Berms, Roads, Railroads, or Improved Paths)
  • Erosion
  • Flow Regulation and/or Water Withdrawal
  • Grade Control
  • Migration
  • Straightening
In Phase 2, the FIT may be used to document the above impacts as well as these additional impacts:
  • Beaver Dam
  • Debris Jam
  • Gully
  • Mass Failure
  • Steep Riffle or Head Cut
  • Storm Water Input
  • Stream Crossing
  • Cross-section Location

Follow the directions (Appendix P of the Protocols) for using the Feature Indexing Tool to document the impacts for each reach. Upload the FIT data on the Phase 1 FIT Upload web page by navigating to the file on your computer (additional instructions for upload are available on this web page). To import data from the FIT tool to the SGA-DMS:

  • Use the "Upload" button at: projects | Phase 1 | <project name> | FIT Upload.
  • The next button "QC Check" does a coarse check for errors. Some errors can be bypassed by ignoring Phase 2 data.
  • The "View New Data" button displays all data in the queue to be uploaded.
  • The "Select" button is used to remove Reaches from the queue. (To put them back in the queue, use the "Upload" button.)
  • The "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" buttons display all data in the SGA-DMS with the potential to be updated. (If data is to be inserted it will not be displayed in these reports.)
  • The "Store Button" is used to import data from the queue to the rest of the SGA-DMS.
    • If Phase 2 data is included in the queue, and not all the Segments for that Reach exist in the queue, none of the Phase 1 data will be updated.
    • Selecting the "Force Phase 1 Update" button will cause the Phase 1 data to be updated anyway.
    • Any Reaches/Segments that are not selected when the "Store Data >>>" button is pressed will be removed from the queue. This data will not go through the QA check, and it will not be stored in the SGA-DMS.
  • After storing the data, the "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" buttons can be used to see what data has been updated in the SGA-DMS.
  • The "FIT Segments" lists all the Reaches in the project, and shows if it has been updated by the FIT.


A number of standard reports are available for viewing and printing under the reports tab. Where applicable, the reports can be viewed and printed by tributary or by reach. To view a report select either the view all, by tributary or by reach tab.

If you would like to request the RMS add another standard report to help you with data analyses please contact the appropriate RMS staff person for your project.

Final Upload

Please upload your final s05swfinal gis files to the server.

Data Export

Phase 1 Tables can be exported (downloaded) in Access, Excel and .dbf (dBase IV) file formats.
  • To download standardized tables, used specifically to build the "Final Shape" theme, that will be uploaded to the Map Server choose: Projects | Phase 1 | < project name > | Data Export .
  • To build custom tables choose: Projects | Exports | Phase 1 Data.
  • Note: dBase IV tables are restricted to 10 character column names, so the the dBase IV column names will differ slightly from the Excel and Access column names.