Project Details
Project Number6F0669(Corrected)-1
Project Name 
Project AddressSandy Birch Road
Project TownGeorgia
DescriptionConstruction and development of “Phase II” of a previously approved residential subdivision, as follows: a 7-lot, 6-unit Planned Unit Development of retained Lot 14. New Lots 15-20 are proposed for single-family dwellings to be served by a new shared private road, communal wastewater disposal system, and individual drilled wells.
Application TypeMinor
Project TypeResidential - Sub divisions

Project Status
Date Application ReceivedMay 23, 2024
Date Deemed CompleteMay 31, 2024
Notice IssuedJun 11, 2024
Pre-Hearing Date 
Hearing Date 
Response DeadlineJul 01, 2024
Date Decision Issued 
Current Status Pending (Decision)   Status Definitions

Project Participants
Primary ContactBrad Ruderman Brad M. Ruderman & Associates, Inc.28 U.S. Route 5 N Windsor VT 05089
ApplicantSandy Birch Road LLC55 Reed Road Fairfield VT 05455
Land OwnerSandy Birch Road LLC55 Reed Road Fairfield VT 05455
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 DocumentTypeSub-TypeModifiedFile Size
View HQ2-NB6Q-T01ZD-v1-SubmissionDownload.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/05/23157 KB
View 010 AAFM Review 6F0669.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23345 KB
View 012 GMP - Ability to Serve.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23350 KB
View 013 Report from Greenleaf Forestry.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/05/23474 KB
View 009 9002-9020.1 Permit.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/05/23634 KB
View 008 WW-6-3688-1 Permit.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/05/23531 KB
View 015 EPSC Plans.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/232,188 KB
View 011 Archeological Study Report.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/05/237,124 KB
View 014 Municipal Impact Questionnaire.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23478 KB
View 016 Solid Waste Management Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2024/05/23439 KB
View 019 Email from District Wetlands Ecologist.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23390 KB
View 020 Email to School Superintedent.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23613 KB
View 017 Georgia Access Permit.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/05/23474 KB
View 018 9002-9050 Draft Permit.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/05/23344 KB
View 002 Application Signature Form.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23979 KB
View 001a Act 250 Application Cover Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23429 KB
View 003 Location Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2024/05/23976 KB
View 004 Overall Site Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,810 KB
View 005 Detailed Site Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/232,061 KB
View 006 LUP 6F0669.pdfApplication DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2024/05/23442 KB
View 001 Act 250 Application HQ2-NB6Q-T01ZD-v1.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23384 KB
View 007 Georgia Preliminary Plat Approval.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/235,854 KB
View Schedule_G 6F0669(Corrected)-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/05/23164 KB
View Payment Receipt.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsFee Documents2024/05/30185 KB
View Minor Notice for Publication 6F0669(Corrected)-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/06/0790 KB
View Draft Permit 6F0669(Corrected)-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2024/06/11290 KB
View Minor Notice 6F0669(Corrected)-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/06/11188 KB
View 021 Stormwater Discharge Permit 9002-9050.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/06/11706 KB
View 022 School Impact Questionnaire - completed.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/06/12268 KB
View 023 NRPC Project Review- Sandy Birch Road LLC.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/07/01545 KB
View 024 ANR Comments and COS 7.1.24.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/07/01375 KB
View 025 Entry of Appearance by Historic Preservation.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/07/02659 KB