Project Details
Project Number6F0487-4A
Project Name 
Project Address158 Morse Drive
Project TownGeorgia
DescriptionConstruction of improvements at the existing recycling center, to include the following: (1) a new loop road and parking area; (2) infrastructure for dumpster relocation; (3) a ±1,780 square-foot covered and partially enclosed storage area; (4) a covered material drop-off zone; and (5) a ±1,385 square-foot drive-thru material drop-off area with a material storage area and a second-floor office area. The ±5.07-acre parcel is located within an existing, previously approved business/industrial park.
Application TypeMinor
Project TypeCommercial - Other Commercial

Project Status
Date Application ReceivedMay 23, 2024
Date Deemed CompleteMay 30, 2024
Notice IssuedJun 04, 2024
Pre-Hearing Date 
Hearing Date 
Response DeadlineJun 24, 2024
Date Decision Issued 
Current Status Pending (Awaiting Information)   Status Definitions

Project Participants
Primary ContactNick Bouton Cross Consulting Engineers, PC103 Fairfax Road St. Albans VT 05478
ApplicantNORTHWEST VERMONT SOLID WASTE MGT DIST158 Morse Drive Fairfax VT 05454
Land OwnerNORTHWEST VERMONT SOLID WASTE MGT DIST158 Morse Drive Fairfax VT 05454
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 DocumentTypeSub-TypeModifiedFile Size
View 007 - Economic Analysis1.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/05/23354 KB
View 006 - Fire Ability to Serve Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23361 KB
View 003 - GMP Ability to Serve Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23349 KB
View 005 - Municipal Impact Questionnaire.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23280 KB
View 010 - C-3 Layout Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,178 KB
View 004 - Phone Ability to Serve - Comcast.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/05/23436 KB
View 011 - C-4 Grading and Utility Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,448 KB
View 008 - C-1 Overall Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,378 KB
View 012 - C-5 Details.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,092 KB
View 002 - Act 250 Application Signature Page.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23278 KB
View 009 - C-2 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,208 KB
View 014 - A-2.0 Elevations and Isometrics.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,058 KB
View 013 - A-1.0 Plans.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/231,130 KB
View 015 - A-2.1 Elevations and Isometrics.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/05/23958 KB
View 000 - Exhibit List.xlsxApplication DocumentsExhibit List2024/05/2368 KB
View 001 Act 250 Application HQ0-S4XR-HKVFF-v1.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/05/23375 KB
View Payment Receipt.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsFee Documents2024/05/30189 KB
View Minor Notice Publication 6F0487-4A.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/05/3192 KB
View Draft Permit 6F0487-4A.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2024/06/04272 KB
View Minor Notice and COS 6F0487-4A.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/06/04185 KB
View 016 SE1.1 Site Electrical IFC 20240426.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/06/05800 KB
View 017 NRPC Project Comment Letter- Northwest Vermont Solid Waste Management District.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/07/01516 KB