Project Details
Project Number4C1350
Project Name 
Project Address10048 VT Route 116
Project TownHinesburg
DescriptionPhase I - Boundary line adjustment with the Town of Hinesburg recreation fields parcel and KB Realty Parcel together to create a total of 79 lots, of which 43 lots are for Phase I development, with 10 (ten) open space lots (Lots 1, 2, 6, 9, 20, 31, 31A, 31B, 45, 58), three (3) open space lots reserved for future development (Lots 70-72), 16 internal lots reserved for Phase II development (Lots 3, 5, 7, 38, 44, 50, 59-66, 68-69), five (5) additional right-of-way parcels, two (2) private alleys, and 4,793 LF of new roadways and alleys. Phase I development includes 40 single family homes (Lots 10-18, 21-30, 32-37, 39-43, 46-49, 51-54, 56, and 57), 50 congregate care units (Lot 8 (Building H)), 16 attached townhouse units in four (4) 4-plex buildings (Lot 4 and Lot 55), and 10,000 SF of commercial uses in Building H. Phase II - 16 Lots (Lot 3 (Building K), Lot 5 (Building J), Lot 7 (Building G), Lot 38 (Building C), Lot 44 (Building B), Lot 50 (Building A), 59-66, 68-69) along with one (1) additional right-of-way parcel. Phase II development includes seven (7) single family homes (Lots 59-65) and 76 multi-family units that include: four (4) attached townhouse units within one (1) 4-plex building (Lot 66), 20 units in two (2) 10-plex Buildings (Lot 69), and 52 units in mixed use buildings (Lots 5, 38, 44, 50). Phase II development also includes a parking lot on Lot 68, 20,216 SF of commercial space on Lot 3 and Lot 5, and 2,025 LF of new roadways and alleys. The Master Plan development includes: 72 lots, with six (6) right-of-way parcels, and two (2) private alleys, resulting in the creation of 80 total lots. Development includes a total of 50 congregate care units and 139 residential units comprised of: 47 single family homes, 20 units in two (2) 10-plex buildings, 20 attached townhouse units in five (5) 4-plex buildings, 52 units in mixed use buildings, 30,216 SF of commercial space, 10 open space lots, three (3) open space lots for future development, and 6,888 LF of new roadways and alleys on 75.56 acres (the Project).
Application TypeMajor
Project TypeCommercial - Master Plan

Project Status
Date Application ReceivedFeb 15, 2023
Date Deemed CompleteOct 12, 2023
Notice IssuedOct 17, 2023
Pre-Hearing Date 
Hearing DateNov 14, 2023
Response DeadlineNov 14, 2023
Date Decision IssuedAug 27, 2024
Current Status Permit   Status Definitions

Project Participants
Primary ContactBen Avery Blackrock Construction, LLC68 Randall Street South Burlington VT 05401
ApplicantBlackrock Construction, LLC,68 Randall Street South Burlington VT 05403
Land OwnerHaystack Crossing, LLC210 Beecher Hill Road Hinesburg VT 05461
Land OwnerTodd Oditt Town of Hinesburg10632 VT Route 116 HInesburg VT 05461
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View 006 - Water and Sewer Design Flows.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/15309 KB
View 007 - ANR Atlas - River Corridor Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,610 KB
View 008 - ANR Atlas - FEMA Flood Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,602 KB
View 009 - FEMA Firmette SFHA Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/157,939 KB
View 010 - Town of Hinesburg Official Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/15896 KB
View 011 - 2022-0021 Wetland Classification Report 70777 - Copy.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/151,192 KB
View 012 - State Well Source Permit.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2023/02/15410 KB
View 013 - VTrans LOI Hinesburg Permit 42884 Haystack Crossing PermitSMF LOI_signed.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/154,745 KB
View 014 - Haystack Road Design Summary.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/15264 KB
View 015 - Town of Hinesburg Final Plat Approval.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/152,437 KB
View 016 - TIS Memo-Draft Findings-Haystack 8-20-18.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/152,319 KB
View 017 - TIS Memo-Haystack 4-23-19.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15436 KB
View 018 - Haystack - Traffic Queue Reporting.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/15974 KB
View 019 - Haystack Hinesburg - Busier Site Revision - 230113.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/15855 KB
View 020- Haystack Crossing Student Absorption Model.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/15657 KB
View 021 - School_capacity_review_cssu_020515.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/151,875 KB
View 022 - Municipal Impactt Questionnaire.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/02/15290 KB
View 023 - Sample Design Concepts.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2023/02/154,732 KB
View 025 - Village Center Typical Homes_opt.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2023/02/15544 KB
View 026 - Congregate Housing Building.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/153,296 KB
View 027 - Significant Natural Communities Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,873 KB
View 028 - Rare Threatened and Endangered Species.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,854 KB
View 029 - Resident Population Calculation.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/15263 KB
View 030 - Phase I Projected Tax Revenue.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/15270 KB
View 003 - Master Plan Requested Criterion Summary.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/15290 KB
View 004 - Location Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/152,025 KB
View 005 - Construction Waste Reduction Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/15881 KB
View 001 Act 250 Application and Cover Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/02/15655 KB
View 002 Authorization-Signature Forms.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/02/15536 KB
View 056 - C2.1 Proposed Conditions Overall Lot Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,299 KB
View 057 - C2.3 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,317 KB
View 058 - C2.4 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Southwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,386 KB
View 059 - C2.5 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Northeast.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,242 KB
View 060 - C2.6 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Northwest.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,297 KB
View 031 - Full Build-out Projected Tax Revenue.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15270 KB
View 032 - Primary Agricultural Soils Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,604 KB
View 033 - PAS Intake Submittal w Attach..pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/1515,521 KB
View 034 - Haystack Solar Package Narrative.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/02/153,701 KB
View 035 - Municipal Water Allocation.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15313 KB
View 036 - Municipal Sewer Allocation.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15308 KB
View 037 - Designated Village Center Mapping.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,888 KB
View 038 - Hinesburg Town Plan map3_Future_Landuse_101016.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/02/151,148 KB
View 039 - Hinesburg 5-YR Capital Budget Detail.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15353 KB
View 040 - WCVT ability to serve 1-20-23 - Haystack.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15327 KB
View 041 - VGS - Ability to Serve 2023 0131.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/02/15293 KB
View 042 - C1.0 - Existing Conditions Overall Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,437 KB
View 043 - P1 - Haystack Crossing LLC Plat of Existing Conditions.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15509 KB
View 044 - L-100 - Master Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/152,522 KB
View 045 - L-101 Phase I - Site Plan u.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,055 KB
View 046 - C2.0 - Proposed Conditions Overall Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/153,257 KB
View 047 - P2 - Overall Lotting Plat of Proposed Subdivision.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15520 KB
View 048 - P3 - Overall Lotting Plat -Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15636 KB
View 049 - P4 - Overall Lotting Plat -Southwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15654 KB
View 050 - L-200 Street Trees Overall Planting Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/152,783 KB
View 051 - P5 - Overall Lotting Plat -North.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15570 KB
View 052 - L-201 Common Lots Landscape Plan - Southwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/152,077 KB
View 053 - L-202 Common Lots Landscape Plan - Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,870 KB
View 054 - L-203 Common Lots Landscape Plan - North.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,417 KB
View 055 - L-401 Lighting Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/153,153 KB
View 066 - C3.4 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Southwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,406 KB
View 067 - C3.5 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,130 KB
View 068 - C3.6 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Mid-east.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,107 KB
View 069 - C3.7 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Midwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,167 KB
View 061 - C2.7 Partial Site Improvements Plan - North.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15682 KB
View 062 - C3.0 Overall Site Plan - Grading and Drainage.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,367 KB
View 063 - C3.1 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Mid-south.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,069 KB
View 064 - C3.2 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,220 KB
View 065 - C3.3 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Midsouth West.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,371 KB
View 073 - C3.11 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - North.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15613 KB
View 074 - C4.0 Water and Sewer Overall.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,347 KB
View 075 - C6.0 Plan and Profile - Shubael Street (East).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,101 KB
View 076 - C6.1 Plan and Profile - Shubael Street (West).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,082 KB
View 077 - C6.2 Plan and Profile - Violette Circle.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15938 KB
View 078 - C6.3 Plan and Profile - Patrick Road.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15783 KB
View 079 - C6.4 Plan and Profile - Jenna Drive (South).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,056 KB
View 070 - C3.8 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Northeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,347 KB
View 071 - C3.9 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Northwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15579 KB
View 072 - C3.10 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - MIdnorth.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,219 KB
View 084 - C6.9 Plan and Profile - Haystack Crossing (South).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,186 KB
View 085 - C6.10 Plan and Profile - Hailey Lane.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15836 KB
View 086 - Overall Site Plan EPSC.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,234 KB
View 087 - C7.1 Partial EPSC Plan - Southeast.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,666 KB
View 088 - C7.2 Partial EPSC Plan - Southwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/152,160 KB
View 089 - C7.3 Partial EPSC Plan - Northwest.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,851 KB
View 080 - C6.5 Plan and Profile - Jenna Drive (North).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15570 KB
View 081 - C6.6 Plan and Profile - Southwest Alley.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15916 KB
View 082 - C6.7 Plan and Profile - Northwest Alley.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/151,028 KB
View 083 - C6.8 Plan and Profile - Haystack Crossing (North).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15941 KB
View 094 - C7.8 EPSC Narrative.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/151,274 KB
View 095 - C7.9 EPSC Narrative and Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/15717 KB
View 096 - C7.10 EPSC Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/15768 KB
View 097 - C7.11 EPSC Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/151,154 KB
View 098 - C7.12 EPSC Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/02/151,434 KB
View 090 - C7.4 Partial EPSC Plan - North.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15884 KB
View 091 - C7.5 Partial EPSC Plan - Patrick Brook.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15701 KB
View 092 - C7.6 Partial EPSC Plan - Riggs Brook.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/02/15788 KB
View 093 - C7.7 EPSC Narrative.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2023/02/151,439 KB
View 000 - exhibitlist.xlsxApplication DocumentsExhibit List2023/02/1572 KB
View Schedule G 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/02/15188 KB
View Fee Payment Receipt 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsFee Documents2023/02/15164 KB
View Incomplete Letter 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/03/22235 KB
View 099 Haystack Crossing LOI ext_1 032223.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/03/22768 KB
View 100 Email Correspondence by C. Clow RE_Haystack Development and Hinesburg Center II.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/04/25385 KB
View 101 Email Correspondence by C. Clow and A. Weinhagen Re_Hinesburg - Useful Information.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/04/25398 KB
View 102 2023-05-26 Lighting - Memo.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/073,134 KB
View 045a L-101 Phase I - Site Plan u Rev. 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/09/131,042 KB
View 046a C2.0 - Proposed Conditions Overall Plan Rev. 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/09/136,349 KB
View 056a C2.1 Proposed Conditions Overall Lot Plan Rev. 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/09/131,506 KB
View 062a C3.0 Overall Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Rev. 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/09/131,411 KB
View 074a C4.0 Water and Sewer Overall Rev. 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/09/131,334 KB
View 103 Cover Letter 9-8-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13499 KB
View 104 Hayes Incomplete Response Letter 9.9.23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13561 KB
View 105 Crit 1(D) Floodways - Kyle Medash Correspondence 6-20-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13367 KB
View 106 Crit 1(E) Streams - Jason Bjorn Correspondence 5-15-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13349 KB
View 107 Crit 1(G) Wetlands - Tina Heath Correspondence 6-19-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13307 KB
View 108 Crit 9(B) PAS - Applicant affidavit.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13277 KB
View 109 GMP - Ability to Serve 2-27-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13347 KB
View 110 Transportation Correspondence Regarding VTrans Review 4-24-23.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13405 KB
View 111 WW Permit Submission Confirmation.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/09/13291 KB
View 001a Act 250 Application Revised 10-9-23.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/10/09404 KB
View Major_Notice 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/10/17182 KB
View Newspaper_Billing_Letter 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/17129 KB
View Major_Notice_Publication 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/10/17100 KB
View 018a Haystack - Queue Reporting - 220207 Final.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/10/31963 KB
View 019a Haystack Hinesburg - Busier Site Revision - 230130.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/10/31878 KB
View 112 Haystack - Updated Traffic Assessment - 200518.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/10/314,668 KB
View 113 CCRPC letter and cos 20231101.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/11/03771 KB
View 002 Signature Forms.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/11/09408 KB
View 115 Sample Design Concepts.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2023/11/094,745 KB
View 116 Senior Concept.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2023/11/09377 KB
View 046b C2.0 - Proposed Conditions Overall Plan r 11-13-23.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/11/134,436 KB
View 117 ANR Comments and COS 11.13.2023.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/11/13433 KB
View 118 VFWD Memo 11.13.2023.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/11/13799 KB
View DW_C0227 Hearing Recording.wavDistrict Commission DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/11/17158 KB
View DW_C0227_1 Hearing Recording.wavDistrict Commission DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/11/1778,917 KB
View HRO 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/11/27225 KB
View 119 Request for Party Status_UVMMC 12 05 23.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/12/05282 KB
View 120 Email by A. Bond Haystack Correspondence.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/12/11368 KB
View Party Status MOD 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/12/14268 KB
View 121 Town Response for supplemental evidence.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/12/26406 KB
View 001b Act 250 Application Revised 01-03-24.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/01/03248 KB
View 127 Haystack Forest Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/0323 KB
View 128 Hinesburg Conservation Commission comments 4C1350.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/03239 KB
View 129 ANR HRO GLB comments 4C1350 Blackrock 01.02.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/03499 KB
View 130 ANR HRO COS 4C1350 Blackrock Construction LLC and Town of Hinesburg 01.03.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/0384 KB
View 131 4C1350 DFW GLB Impact Site Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/035,153 KB
View 132 VDHP 1-3-24 Comment Haystack Crossing Phase 1 Development.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/03976 KB
View 122 flooding ACT 250 letter.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/03124 KB
View 123 Field north of houses photo.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2024/01/03468 KB
View 125 southeast photo.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2024/01/03556 KB
View 124 Southwest photo.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2024/01/03472 KB
View 126 Farmall and Kailey photo.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2024/01/03269 KB
View 092a Revised_C7.6 Partial EPSC Plan - Riggs Brook rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04645 KB
View 091a Revised_C7.5 Partial EPSC Plan - Patrick Brook rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04480 KB
View 090a Revised_C7.4 Partial EPSC Plan - North rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04706 KB
View 089a Revised_C7.3 Partial EPSC Plan - Northwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,751 KB
View 088a Revised_C7.2 Partial EPSC Plan - Southwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/042,140 KB
View 139 L-301 Lighting Plan_REV.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04808 KB
View 140 L-302 Lighting Plan_REV.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04787 KB
View 141 L-303 Lighting Plan_REV.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04765 KB
View 143 Draft-Haystack Bylaws.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2024/01/04144 KB
View 142 Draft- Haystack Declaration.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2024/01/04143 KB
View 144 C7.6 a- Partial EPSC Plan - Haystack at Riggs Brook North.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04689 KB
View 145 AAFM Concurrence on PAS Impact.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/04188 KB
View 137 Response to UVMMC Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/04120 KB
View 134 Authorization to Discharge - 6624-9050.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2024/01/04523 KB
View 136 CS1 Construction Signage.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04801 KB
View 135 TIS Memoe HRO 7a Response 231222.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/044,819 KB
View 024b REDACTED_Archeaological End of Field Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/01/046,012 KB
View 114a REDACTED_Phase 1 Archaeological I and II EOF Letter UVM CAP report redacted2.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/01/042,766 KB
View 093a Revised_C7.7 EPSC Narrative rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,061 KB
View 058a Revised_C2.4 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Southwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,172 KB
View 057a Revised_C2.3 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Southeast rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,013 KB
View 056b Revised_C2.1 Proposed Conditions Overall Lot Plan rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/042,276 KB
View 046c Revised_C2.0 - Proposed Conditions Overall Plan rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/043,885 KB
View 042a Revised_C1.0 - Existing Conditions Overall Plan rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,972 KB
View 033a Revised_PAS Cover Letter 1.2.24 and Intake inform.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/0415,370 KB
View 030a Revised_Phase 1 State and Local Annual Tax Estimate.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/01/04274 KB
View 006a Revised_Phase 1 WW Design Flow Summary.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/01/04161 KB
View 133 Applicant HRO Response Letter 1-3-34.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/04604 KB
View 087a Revised_C7.1 Partial EPSC Plan - Southeast rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,267 KB
View 086a Revised_C7.0 - EPSC Overall rev. 12.22.23l.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/042,213 KB
View 085a Revised_C6.10 Plan and Profile - Hailey Lane rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04565 KB
View 084a Revised_C6.9 Plan and Profile - Haystack Crossing (South) rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04928 KB
View 083a Revised_C6.8 Plan and Profile - Haystack Crossing (North) rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04715 KB
View 082a Revised_C6.7 Plan and Profile - Northwest Alley rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04834 KB
View 081a Revised_C6.6 Plan and Profile - Southwest Alley rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04687 KB
View 080a Revised_C6.5 Plan and Profile - Jenna Drive North rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04386 KB
View 079a Revised_C6.4 Plan and Profile - Jenna Drive South rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04812 KB
View 078a Revised_6.3 Plan and Profile - Patrick Road rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04611 KB
View 077a Revised_C6.2 Plan and Profile - Violette Circle rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04698 KB
View 076a Revised_C6.1 Plan and Profile - Shubael Street West rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04791 KB
View 075a Revised_C6.0 Plan and Profile - Shubael Street East rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04788 KB
View 074b Revised_C4.0 Water and Sewer Overall rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,587 KB
View 071a Revised_C3.9 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Northwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04405 KB
View 073a Revised_C3.11 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - North rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04448 KB
View 072a Revised_C3.10 - Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Midnorth rev 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04967 KB
View 070a Revised_C3.8 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Northeast rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,021 KB
View 068a Revised_C3.6 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Mid-east rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04856 KB
View 066a Revised_C3.4 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage - Southwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,178 KB
View 069a Revised_C3.7 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Midwest rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04827 KB
View 067a Revised_C3.5 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Southeast rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04781 KB
View 063a Revised_C3.1 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Mid-south rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04856 KB
View 064a Revised_C3.2 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Southeast rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04951 KB
View 065a Revised_C3.3 Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage Midsouth West rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,038 KB
View 062b Revised_C3.0 Overall Site Plan - Grading and Drainage rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,245 KB
View 061a Revised_C2.7 Partial Site Improvements Plan - North.pdf rev. 1.2.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04520 KB
View 059a Revised_C2.5 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Northeast rev. 1.2.24.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/04967 KB
View 060a Revised_C2.6 Partial Site Improvements Plan - Northwest rev. 1.2.24.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,046 KB
View 138 L-300 Lighting Plan_REV.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/01/041,470 KB
View 146 ANR HRO Comments and COS 01.19.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/19353 KB
View HRO Extension_4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/01/22202 KB
View 147 ANR HRO Comments and COS 01.29.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/30206 KB
View 148 ANR HRO Comments and COS 02.09.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/02/091,112 KB
View HRO Extension2_4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/02/14204 KB
View 072b Revised_C3.10 - Partial Site Plan - Grading and Drainage rev 2.8.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/02/141,134 KB
View HRO2 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/03/28203 KB
View 149 Town of Hinesburg Todd Odit response to HRO_dated 4-12-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/04/12316 KB
View 150 BlackRock Construction Benjamin Avery_response to HRO dated 4-15-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/04/15385 KB
View 119a Email Response by B. Avery re UVM Party Status Request (12-8-23).pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/06/10506 KB
View 005a Waste Reduction Plan - Haystack Crossing rev 12-27-2023.pdfApplication DocumentsPlanning Documents2024/06/12362 KB
View 006b - Phase 1 Rev WW Design Flow Summary.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2024/06/12268 KB
View 091b - C7.5 Partial EPSC Plan - Patrick Brook rev. 6.11.24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/06/12664 KB
View 151 6624-9020.1.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2024/06/12478 KB
View 152 C2.0A - River Corridors and Flood Hazard Mapping rev. 6.11.24.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2024/06/124,489 KB
View 153 C-3606-23.0 Final Permit 3.22.24.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2024/06/121,871 KB
View 154 Lot Summary 11-14-23 rev 5-21-24 for WW and 6-10-24 for Phase II.pdfApplication DocumentsTables, Charts, & Graphs2024/06/12270 KB
View 155 WW-4-3675-5_Permit.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2024/06/12563 KB
View 156 Email by D. Marshall 6-24-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/06/25813 KB
View 157 Lot Summary 6-24-24.pdfApplication DocumentsTables, Charts, & Graphs2024/06/25286 KB
View 005b Waste Reduction Plan - Approval from ANR.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/07/08566 KB
View 158 Email re Town Understanding - Landowners, Applicant, and District Coordinator.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/07/24466 KB
View 001c Act 250 Application Revised 07-30-24.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/07/30373 KB
View 045b Sheet L-101_Phasing Plan_REV 2024-08-13.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/08/131,153 KB
View 159 Sheet L-101_COS 8-13-2024.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/08/13413 KB
View COSLUPFOF 4C1350.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/08/27105 KB
View Permit_Final 4C1350.pdfApplication DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2024/08/27400 KB
View Recording_Letter 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/08/27133 KB
View Findings 4C1350.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2024/08/27600 KB