Project Details
Project Number4C0370-1
Project Name 
Project Address156 Wortheim Road
Project TownRichmond
DescriptionBradley and Karin are proposing to subdivide the existing 3.8 acre parcel to create one (1) new parcel. Proposed Lot 1 will be 1.4± acres in size and will contain the existing single family residence that is served by on-site wastewater and water supply systems. Proposed Lot 2 will be 2.4± acres in size and will be improved by a 3-bedroom single-family residence that will be served by an on-site mound wastewater disposal system and an on-site drilled well water supply. The proposed Lot 2 will be accessed via a shared gravel drive and will total 484' from the shoulder of Wortheim Road to the residence.
Application TypeMinor
Project TypeResidential - Sub divisions

Project Status
Date Application ReceivedOct 12, 2023
Date Deemed CompleteOct 24, 2023
Notice IssuedNov 14, 2023
Pre-Hearing Date 
Hearing Date 
Response DeadlineFeb 02, 2024
Date Decision Issued 
Current Status Pending (Awaiting Information)   Status Definitions

Project Participants
ApplicantBradley Jay LaRose156 Wortheim Road Richmond VT 05477
Land OwnerBradley Jay LaRose156 Wortheim Road Richmond VT 05477
Primary ContactBradley Jay LaRose156 Wortheim Road Richmond VT 05477
ApplicantKarin C. LaRose156 Wortheim Road Richmond VT 05477
Land OwnerKarin C. LaRose156 Wortheim Road Richmond VT 05477
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 DocumentTypeSub-TypeModifiedFile Size
View 000_exhibitlist.xlsxApplication DocumentsExhibit List2023/10/1365 KB
View 001 Act 250 Application.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/10/13383 KB
View 002_Act 250 Application Signature Page.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/10/131,568 KB
View 003_4C0370 Findings.pdfApplication DocumentsLand Use Permit & Findings2023/10/13397 KB
View 004_LaRose-S1 REV101123.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/10/131,556 KB
View 005_LaRose -W4-D-1.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/10/13598 KB
View 006_LaRose_Stormwater_Letter_Report.pdfApplication DocumentsReports & Studies2023/10/132,739 KB
View 007_Building_Elevations.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2023/10/13577 KB
View 008_LaRose_driveway_agreement.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/13353 KB
View 009_LaRose - W4-D-2.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/10/13620 KB
View 010_ANR_PrimeAg_RiversStreams.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/10/13919 KB
View 011_ANR_Wetlands_SigNatCom_RTE.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2023/10/13911 KB
View 012_DRB_FinalDecision.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/13776 KB
View 013_miqform signed.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2023/10/13294 KB
View 014_MMUUSD_LaRose_Ability to Serve Letter.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/13445 KB
View 015_WW-6-5946_Permit.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2023/10/13432 KB
View 016_VTDHP_Signoff.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/13461 KB
View fee receipt.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsFee Documents2023/10/24164 KB
View 4C0370-1 noticecosproposedlup.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/10/24309 KB
View Newspaper_Billing_Letter 4C0370-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/10/24126 KB
View 4C0370-1 noticecosproposedlup2.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2023/11/14309 KB
View Newspaper_Billing_Letter2 4C0370-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2023/11/14126 KB
View 017 Bradley Jay and Karin C. LaRose ANR Comments COS.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/12/05364 KB
View 018 ANR Supplemental Comments COS 4C0370-1 Bradley Jay and Karin C. LaRose.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2023/12/19193 KB
View 019 LaRose -Act 250-S1-S-1.pdf.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2023/12/281,761 KB
View 020 Bradley Jay and Karin C. LaRose ANR Comments COS 01.12.2024.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/01/16194 KB
View 021 D4 Commission Extension Granted 1-18-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/01/18435 KB
View 022 Request for ANR comment extension.pdfApplication DocumentsComments & Requests for Party Status2024/02/01495 KB
View Schedule_G 4C0370-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsNotices2024/02/01186 KB
View 023 Letter_providing update and seeking Site Plan feedback_James Barnard 4-5-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/04/051,836 KB
View 024 See Exhibit 004a.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/04/051,723 KB
View 024a See Exhibit 004b.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/07/161,409 KB
View 025 Email by Scott Baker re Additional Information 7-16-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/07/161,136 KB
View 026 VT ANR Comments - James Brady; VT FWD, Fisheries Program.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/07/16529 KB
View 004a Site Plan_S1_Created 3-23-23_Last Revised 4-3-24.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/08/091,723 KB
View 004b Drawing S-1 - Site Plan (Rev 2024-06-27).pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/08/091,370 KB