Project Details
Project Number1R0959-1
Project NameRegenerative Land Holdings LLC
Project Address1 Brennan Circle
Project TownPoultney
DescriptionThis project consists of a change in use of the former Green Mountain College campus to a destination hotel and additions/modifications to the existing parking infrastructure. The project is located in a Designated Downtown District. Cree Residential Hall will be converted to 18 residential condo units, Moses Hall will be converted to a 51-unit hotel, Ames Hall will be converted to a 42-unit hotel, Whithey Dining and Event Hall will remain an event space with an added micro-distillery, and Griswold Library will be repurposed as storage space. Additionally, this project proposes to retrofit two of the existing infiltration areas by enlarging them as well as add a gravel wetland to the south of the solar panels to satisfy the State's new 3-acre stormwater requirements.
Application Type 
Project TypeCommercial - Motel, B&B, Condo Hotel

Project Status
Date Application ReceivedMar 11, 2024
Date Deemed Complete 
Notice Issued 
Pre-Hearing Date 
Hearing Date 
Response Deadline 
Date Decision Issued 
Current Status Incomplete   Status Definitions

Project Participants
Primary ContactDan Norwood Regenerative Land Holdings, LLC1 Brennan Circle Poultney VT 05764
ApplicantRegenerative Land Holdings, LLC1 Brennan Circle Poultney VT 05764
Land OwnerRegenerative Land Holdings, LLC1 Brennan Circle Poultney VT 05764
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 DocumentTypeSub-TypeModifiedFile Size
View HPN-H3A9-M7P1S-v1-SubmissionDownload.pdfApplication Documents(Blank)2024/03/11163 KB
View 000A Exhibit List.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsExhibit List2024/03/11185 KB
View 000 Exhibit List.pdfApplication DocumentsExhibit List2024/03/11400 KB
View 001 Act 250 Application.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/03/11385 KB
View 002 Authorization Signature Form.pdfApplication DocumentsApplication Forms2024/03/111,122 KB
View 003 Project Location Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2024/03/112,342 KB
View 004 Natural Resource Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2024/03/116,445 KB
View 005 Wetland Delineation Map.pdfApplication DocumentsMap2024/03/114,108 KB
View 006 Municipal and Regional Letters of Support.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/03/112,810 KB
View 007 Photo Page.pdfApplication DocumentsPhotos2024/03/11856 KB
View 008 Architectural Elevations - Ames.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/03/1120,472 KB
View 009 Architectural Elevations - Cree.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/03/1123,168 KB
View 010 Architectural Elevations - Moses.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/03/117,068 KB
View 011 Lighting Specification.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2024/03/111,164 KB
View 012 Lighting Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/03/113,709 KB
View Schedule_G 1R0959-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/03/11187 KB
View 019 Regenerative Land Holdings_Poultney 3-19-24.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/04/05437 KB
View 013 Planting Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/04/083,637 KB
View 014 Development Review Board Permit.pdfApplication DocumentsPermit (Other)2024/04/08601 KB
View 015 Pergola Details.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2024/04/0821,414 KB
View 016 Covered Walkway Detail.pdfApplication DocumentsDrawings & Equipment Specifications2024/04/08752 KB
View 017 C2-01 Overall Site Plan.pdfApplication DocumentsSite Plans2024/04/082,375 KB
View 018 Traffic Technical Memo.pdfApplication DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/04/08369 KB
View Incomplete_Letter 1R0959-1.pdfDistrict Commission DocumentsCorrespondence, Memos, & Approval Letters2024/06/06306 KB