The Clean Water Interactive Dashboard (CWID) is a data visualization tool, built using Microsoft Power BI,
that allows interested parties to filter and examine Vermont’s clean water project data presented in the
Vermont Clean Water Initiative Annual Performance Report.
Users can examine summarized investment data, project output measures, estimated pollutant reduction, cost effectiveness, and education & outreach data compiled for the report.
The interactive interface allows users to examine the subset(s) of data that are of most interest.
The Clean Water Projects Explorer is an interactive application that allows interested parties to geographically search for details about individual state-funded clean water projects such as project funding, project outputs, and nutrient reductions. The Explorer includes potential
projects in various stages of development identified through Tactical Basin Planning as listed in the Watershed Projects Database. In addition, the Explorer complements the
Vermont Clean Water Initiative Annual Performance Report,
containing data from across multiple state agencies on projects funded or completed from State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016 through the close of the most recent fiscal year.
The Watershed Projects Database Search is a publicly accessible search interface for the Watershed Project Database (WPD),
which includes Clean Water Initiative Program funded projects, as well as potential projects in various stages of development identified though Tactical Basin Planning.
Enter a discrete project location to determine a project’s basin and sub-basin, as well as the regulatory and non-regulatory program contacts required to determine
project funding eligibility from a prioritization and permitting feasibility standpoint.
The Funding Opportunities Tool provides information on anticipated clean water funding opportunities, across State of Vermont agencies, in the upcoming year.
Program and funding information will be updated on an annual basis and as funding information changes, contingent upon agencies’ ability to report changes.
Please reach out to the project contact for the most current information.
The Stormwater Treatment Practice (STP) Calculator estimates the total phosphorus load reduction from a stormwater treatment practice based on practice
parameters (e.g., storage volume).