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Bridge And Culvert Export Fields

Bridge And Culvert Protocols
Export ColumndBase Field NameExcel Field NameAccess/SQL Field Name
0.101 - The SGA-DMS Stream Geomorphic Assessment ID numberSgaIDSgaIDSgaID
0.103 - ID of the drainage basin where the structure is locatedBasinIDBasinIDBasinID
0.104 - Name of the drainage basin where the structure is locatedBasinNameBasinNameBasinName
0.105 - The name of the dataset the structure belongs toDataSetNMDatasetNameDatasetName
0.106 - This number is assigned by towns and/or RPCs when local road inventories are completed. The local ID is composed of the town FIPS code and a sequential number. Use those ID’s already assigned, or where no local ID’s have been assigned, leave this field blank.LocalIDLocalIDLocalID
0.109 - Structure width divided by channel width as a percent (% bankfull width)BankfullWidthPerBankfullWidthPercentBankfullWidth
0.110 - Stream Compatibility [Integer from 0 to 25]StrmCompatCompatablitlySumCompatablitlySum
0.112 - Concern for structure due to fluvial condition or processInCmpFluvFluvialConditionFluvialCondition
0.113 - Potential failure due to ice or debris jamInCmpJamIceDebrisJamIceDebrisJam
0.114 - Openess RatioWldOpRatOpennesssRatioOpennesssRatio
0.115 - Potential failure due to out-flankingInCmpOtFlOutflankingOutflanking
0.116 - Poor location or alignmentInCmpPrLocPoorLocationPoorLocation
0.117 - Aquatic Organism Passage [String of letters, describing a color of Green = fully passable; Gray = partial passage; Orange = passable for adult trout only or Red = impassable for all species]AopRestrctAOPCourseScreenAOPCourseScreen
0.118 - Retrofit Potential; L:Low | M:Medium | H: High (left to right strong, moderate, weak swimmers)RetroPtntlRetrofitPotentialRetrofitPotential
0.119 - Available upstream length of 3rd order streams and larger not blocked by barriersUpMainNLUSMainMilesGainedUpstreamMainstemNetworkLength
0.120 - Available upstream length not blocked by barriersUpNLUSNetMilesGainedUpstreamNetworkLength
0.121 - Total upstream length ignoring barriersUpStmLenUpStreamLengthTotalUpstreamLength
0.122 - Number of upstream barriers (includes tributaries)UpStmBarCUpstreamBarrierCountUpstreamBarrierCount
0.123 - Number of downstream barriers (does not include tributaries)DwStmBarCDwStreamBarrierCountDownStreamBarrierCount
0.124 - Minimum of the upstream or downstream length not blocked by barriersNetMilesNetMilesAbsoluteNetMilesGained
1.01 - Structure type (bridge, culvert)StructTpStructureTypeStructureType
1.02 - Observers, people who did the assessmentObsvrsObserversObservers
1.02a - Organization who collected the dataOrgNameOrganizationNameOrganizationName
1.03 - Assessment DateAssessDtAssessmentDateAssessmentDate
1.04 - The name of the Project the struture belongs toProjectNMProjectNameProjectName
1.05 - The town the structure is inTownTownTown
1.06 - Location, a broad description of the locationLocLocationLocation
1.07 - Latitude on a globe scaleLatLatitudeLatitude
1.08 - Longitude on a globe scaleLongeLongitudeLongitude
1.09 - The struct_num from VOBCIT assigned to this structurestruct_numstruct_numstruct_num
1.10 - NAD83 Latitude in metersX_CoordX_CoordX_Coord
1.11 - NAD83 Longitude in metersY_CoordY_CoordY_Coord
1.12 - Source of struct_num (k=keyed in, s=spacial matching query, n=no struct_num)StrNmSrcSructNmSrcStructNumSource
1.13 - Method used to locate the StructureLocMethLocMethLocMeth
1.14 - Organization who collected statistics (most likely 4=ANR)SrcOrgSrcOrgSrcOrg
1.15 - Structure type ( B=Bridge, C=Culvert)CategoryCategoryCategory
1.16 - Fips6 Town numberFips6Fips6Fips6
2.01 - The ID # of the Reach the structure belongs toRchPtIDreachpoint_idReachPointID
2.02 - GIS Road Name GisRdNmGisRoadNameGisRoadName
2.02a - Old Road NameORdNmOtherRoadNameOtherRoadName
2.03 - Road Type (gravel, paved, railroad)RoadTypeRoadTypeRoadType
2.04 - Stream NameStrmNmStreamNameStreamName
2.05 - High Flow StageHghFlwStgHighFlowStageHighFlowStage
2.06 - Channel WidthChWdChannelWidthChannelWidth
2.06a - Channel Width Source (mesured, curved)ChWdSrcChannelWidthSourceChannelWidthSource
2.08 - Structure LengthStLenStructureLengthStructureLength
2.09 - Structure HeightStHghtStructureHeightStructureHeight
2.10 - Structure WidthStWdthStructureWidthStructureWidth
2.11 - Structure MaterialStMatStructureMaterialStructureMaterial
2.12 - Structure CountStCntStructureCountStructureCount
2.12a - Culvert Overflow PipeClOPipeCulvertOverflowPipeCulvertOverflowPipe
2.13 - Structure SkewedStSkewStructureSkewedStructureSkewed
3.01 - Flood Plain FillFlPlnFilFloodPlainFillFloodPlainFill
3.01a - Floodplain filled entirely or partially by roadway approachesInCmpFloodFloodPlainFillProbFloodPlainFillProb
3.01b - Structure related damage due to flooding of adjacent propertyInCmpFldFloodingFlooding
3.02 - Valley Slope BreakValSlpBrkValleySlopeBreakValleySlopeBreak
3.02a - Culvert SllopeClSlopeCulvertSlopeCulvertSlope
3.03 - List of ObstructionsObstructsObstructionsObstructions
3.03a - Inlet obstruction presentInCmpObsObstructionObstruction
3.04 - Steep Riffle (yes, no)StRifflSteepRiffleSteepRiffle
3.05 - Avulsion DistanceAvulDistAvulsionDistanceAvulsionDistance
3.05a - Channel Avulsion (yes, no)ChAvulChannelAvulsionChannelAvulsion
3.06 - Approach AngleApprAnglApproachAngleApproachAngle
3.07 - Downstream Pool (yes, no)DwnPoolDownstreamPoolDownstreamPool
3.07a - Culvert Water DepthClWatDpthCulvertWaterDepthCulvertWaterDepth
3.07b - Culvert Invert Flow TypeClInvFlTpCulvertInvertFlowTypeCulvertInvertFlowType
3.07c - Backwater LengthBkWtrLenBackWaterLengthBackwaterLength
3.07d - Culvert Drop DistanceClDrpDistCulvertDropDistanceCulvertDropDistance
3.07e - Pool Depth where stream flows from end of CulvertplDepthStFPoolDepthStreamFlowPoolDepthStreamFlow
3.07f - Maximum Pool Depth at end of CulvertplDepthMXPoolDepthMaxPoolDepthMax
3.08 - High Downstream BanksHghDnBnkHighDownstreamBanksHighDownstreamBanks
3.08a - Stepped FootersStepFootSteppedFootersSteppedFooters
4.01a - Upstream Bed MaterialUpBedMatUpBedMaterialUpBedMaterial
4.01b - Downstream Bed MaterialDnBdMatDnBedMaterialDnBedMaterial
4.01c - In-structure Bed MaterialInBdMatInBedMaterialInBedMaterial
4.02a - Upstream Bedrock PresentUpBedPresUpBedrockPresentUpBedrockPresent
4.02b - Downstream Bedrock PresentDnBdrcPresDnBedrockPresentDnBedrockPresent
4.02c - In-structure Bedrock PresentInBdrcPresInBedrockPresentInBedrockPresent
4.02d - In-structure Bed Material ThroughoutInBdMatThrInBedMaterialThroughoutInBedMaterialThroughout
4.03a - Upstream sediment depositInCmpUpDpUpDepositionUpDeposition
4.03b - List of downstream Sediment Deposit TypesDndepositDnDepositsDnDeposits
4.03c - List of in Structure Deposit TypesInDepositInDepositsInDeposits
4.03d - List of upstream Sediment Deposit TypesUpDepositUpDepositsUpDeposits
4.03e - Upstream DepositesElevationUpDepElevUpDepositsElevationUpDepositsElevation
4.04a - Upstream Bank ErosionUpBkErosUpBankErosionUpBankErosion
4.04b - Downstream DepositsElevationDnDpElevDnDepositsElevationDnDepositsElevation
4.04c - In-structure Deposits ElevationInDepElevInDepositsElevationInDepositsElevation
4.05 - Potential failure due to scourInCmpScrScourScour
4.05a - Upstream Bank ArmoringUpBkArmUpBankArmoringUpBankArmoring
4.05b - Downstream Bank ErosionDNBNKEROSDnBankErosionDnBankErosion
4.06a - List of upstream Scour TypesUpBedScrsUpBedScoursUpBedScours
4.06b - Downstream Bank ArmoringDNBNKARMDnBankArmoringDnBankArmoring
4.06c - Downstream Scour and/or erosion presentInCmpDnScEDnScourErosionDnScourErosion
4.06d - Structure related damage due to erosion of adjacent propertyInCmpErosErosionErosion
4.07a - Upstream Beaver DamUpBvDmUpBeaverDamUpBeaverDam
4.07b - List of downstream Scour TypesDnBedScrsDnBedScoursDnBedScours
4.07c - Upstream Scour and/or erosion presentInCmpUpScEUpScourErosionUpScourErosion
4.08a - Upstream Beaver Dam DistanceUpBvDmDistUpBeaverDamDistanceUpBeaverDamDistance
4.08b - Downstream Beaver DamDnBvDmDnBeaverDamDnBeaverDam
4.08c - Beaver activityInCmpBevABeaverActivityBeaverActivity
4.09b - Downstream Beaver DamDnBvDmDistDnBeaverDamDistanceDnBeaverDamDistance
5.01l - Upstream Left Dominant VegetationUpLtDmVgUpLtDominantVegetationUpLtDominantVegetation
5.01r - Upstream Right Dominant VegetationUpRtDmVgUpRtDominantVegetationUpRtDominantVegetation
5.02l - Downstream Left Dominant VegitationDnLtDmVgDnLtDominantVegetationDnLtDominantVegetation
5.02r - Downstream Right Domintant VegetationDnRtDmVgDnRtDominantVegetationDnRtDominantVegetation
5.03l - Upstream Left Vegetation BandUpLtVgBdUpLtVegetationBandUpLtVegetationBand
5.03r - Upstream Right Vegetation BandUpRtVgBdUprtVegetationBandUprtVegetationBand
5.04l - Downstream Left Vegetation Band DnLtVgBdDnLtVegetationBandDnLtVegetationBand
5.04r - Downstream Right Vegetation Band DnRtVgBdDnRtVegetationBandDnRtVegetationBand
5.05 - Spatial Data From GPSSpatGPSSpatialDataGPSSpatialDataGPS
5.06 - Are there Photos (yes, no)PhotosPhotosPhotos
5.07 - CommentsCommentsCommentsComments
5.08 - 5.08 - GUID (2014 Standard)GUID2014GUID2014GUID2014
6.01 - Road kill species observedWldRdKillRoadKillSpeciesRoadKillSpecies
6.02 - Wildlife observed ouside of structureWldOutSpOutSpeciesOutSpecies
6.03 - Wildlife observed inside of structureWldInSpInSpeciesInSpecies
6.04a - Does not impede large wildlifeWldNImpLgdoesNotImpedeLargeWildlifedoesNotImpedeLargeWildlife
6.04b - Does not impede medium wildlifeWldNImpMeddoesNotImpedeMediumWildlifedoesNotImpedeMediumWildlife
6.04c - Does not impede small wildlifeWldNImpSmldoesNotImpedeSmallWildlifedoesNotImpedeSmallWildlife