0.101 - The SGA-DMS Stream Geomorphic Assessment ID number | SgaID | SgaID | SgaID |
0.103 - ID of the drainage basin where the structure is located | BasinID | BasinID | BasinID |
0.104 - Name of the drainage basin where the structure is located | BasinName | BasinName | BasinName |
0.105 - The name of the dataset the structure belongs to | DataSetNM | DatasetName | DatasetName |
0.106 - This number is assigned by towns and/or RPCs when local road inventories are completed. The local ID is composed of the town FIPS code and a sequential number. Use those ID’s already assigned, or where no local ID’s have been assigned, leave this field blank. | LocalID | LocalID | LocalID |
0.109 - Structure width divided by channel width as a percent (% bankfull width) | BankfullWidthPer | BankfullWidthPercent | BankfullWidth |
0.110 - Stream Compatibility [Integer from 0 to 25] | StrmCompat | CompatablitlySum | CompatablitlySum |
0.112 - Concern for structure due to fluvial condition or process | InCmpFluv | FluvialCondition | FluvialCondition |
0.113 - Potential failure due to ice or debris jam | InCmpJam | IceDebrisJam | IceDebrisJam |
0.114 - Openess Ratio | WldOpRat | OpennesssRatio | OpennesssRatio |
0.115 - Potential failure due to out-flanking | InCmpOtFl | Outflanking | Outflanking |
0.116 - Poor location or alignment | InCmpPrLoc | PoorLocation | PoorLocation |
0.117 - Aquatic Organism Passage [String of letters, describing a color of Green = fully passable; Gray = partial passage; Orange = passable for adult trout only or Red = impassable for all species] | AopRestrct | AOPCourseScreen | AOPCourseScreen |
0.118 - Retrofit Potential; L:Low | M:Medium | H: High (left to right strong, moderate, weak swimmers) | RetroPtntl | RetrofitPotential | RetrofitPotential |
0.119 - Available upstream length of 3rd order streams and larger not blocked by barriers | UpMainNL | USMainMilesGained | UpstreamMainstemNetworkLength |
0.120 - Available upstream length not blocked by barriers | UpNL | USNetMilesGained | UpstreamNetworkLength |
0.121 - Total upstream length ignoring barriers | UpStmLen | UpStreamLength | TotalUpstreamLength |
0.122 - Number of upstream barriers (includes tributaries) | UpStmBarC | UpstreamBarrierCount | UpstreamBarrierCount |
0.123 - Number of downstream barriers (does not include tributaries) | DwStmBarC | DwStreamBarrierCount | DownStreamBarrierCount |
0.124 - Minimum of the upstream or downstream length not blocked by barriers | NetMiles | NetMiles | AbsoluteNetMilesGained |
1.01 - Structure type (bridge, culvert) | StructTp | StructureType | StructureType |
1.02 - Observers, people who did the assessment | Obsvrs | Observers | Observers |
1.02a - Organization who collected the data | OrgName | OrganizationName | OrganizationName |
1.03 - Assessment Date | AssessDt | AssessmentDate | AssessmentDate |
1.04 - The name of the Project the struture belongs to | ProjectNM | ProjectName | ProjectName |
1.05 - The town the structure is in | Town | Town | Town |
1.06 - Location, a broad description of the location | Loc | Location | Location |
1.07 - Latitude on a globe scale | Lat | Latitude | Latitude |
1.08 - Longitude on a globe scale | Longe | Longitude | Longitude |
1.09 - The struct_num from VOBCIT assigned to this structure | struct_num | struct_num | struct_num |
1.10 - NAD83 Latitude in meters | X_Coord | X_Coord | X_Coord |
1.11 - NAD83 Longitude in meters | Y_Coord | Y_Coord | Y_Coord |
1.12 - Source of struct_num (k=keyed in, s=spacial matching query, n=no struct_num) | StrNmSrc | SructNmSrc | StructNumSource |
1.13 - Method used to locate the Structure | LocMeth | LocMeth | LocMeth |
1.14 - Organization who collected statistics (most likely 4=ANR) | SrcOrg | SrcOrg | SrcOrg |
1.15 - Structure type ( B=Bridge, C=Culvert) | Category | Category | Category |
1.16 - Fips6 Town number | Fips6 | Fips6 | Fips6 |
2.01 - The ID # of the Reach the structure belongs to | RchPtID | reachpoint_id | ReachPointID |
2.02 - GIS Road Name | GisRdNm | GisRoadName | GisRoadName |
2.02a - Old Road Name | ORdNm | OtherRoadName | OtherRoadName |
2.03 - Road Type (gravel, paved, railroad) | RoadType | RoadType | RoadType |
2.04 - Stream Name | StrmNm | StreamName | StreamName |
2.05 - High Flow Stage | HghFlwStg | HighFlowStage | HighFlowStage |
2.06 - Channel Width | ChWd | ChannelWidth | ChannelWidth |
2.06a - Channel Width Source (mesured, curved) | ChWdSrc | ChannelWidthSource | ChannelWidthSource |
2.08 - Structure Length | StLen | StructureLength | StructureLength |
2.09 - Structure Height | StHght | StructureHeight | StructureHeight |
2.10 - Structure Width | StWdth | StructureWidth | StructureWidth |
2.11 - Structure Material | StMat | StructureMaterial | StructureMaterial |
2.12 - Structure Count | StCnt | StructureCount | StructureCount |
2.12a - Culvert Overflow Pipe | ClOPipe | CulvertOverflowPipe | CulvertOverflowPipe |
2.13 - Structure Skewed | StSkew | StructureSkewed | StructureSkewed |
3.01 - Flood Plain Fill | FlPlnFil | FloodPlainFill | FloodPlainFill |
3.01a - Floodplain filled entirely or partially by roadway approaches | InCmpFlood | FloodPlainFillProb | FloodPlainFillProb |
3.01b - Structure related damage due to flooding of adjacent property | InCmpFld | Flooding | Flooding |
3.02 - Valley Slope Break | ValSlpBrk | ValleySlopeBreak | ValleySlopeBreak |
3.02a - Culvert Sllope | ClSlope | CulvertSlope | CulvertSlope |
3.03 - List of Obstructions | Obstructs | Obstructions | Obstructions |
3.03a - Inlet obstruction present | InCmpObs | Obstruction | Obstruction |
3.04 - Steep Riffle (yes, no) | StRiffl | SteepRiffle | SteepRiffle |
3.05 - Avulsion Distance | AvulDist | AvulsionDistance | AvulsionDistance |
3.05a - Channel Avulsion (yes, no) | ChAvul | ChannelAvulsion | ChannelAvulsion |
3.06 - Approach Angle | ApprAngl | ApproachAngle | ApproachAngle |
3.07 - Downstream Pool (yes, no) | DwnPool | DownstreamPool | DownstreamPool |
3.07a - Culvert Water Depth | ClWatDpth | CulvertWaterDepth | CulvertWaterDepth |
3.07b - Culvert Invert Flow Type | ClInvFlTp | CulvertInvertFlowType | CulvertInvertFlowType |
3.07c - Backwater Length | BkWtrLen | BackWaterLength | BackwaterLength |
3.07d - Culvert Drop Distance | ClDrpDist | CulvertDropDistance | CulvertDropDistance |
3.07e - Pool Depth where stream flows from end of Culvert | plDepthStF | PoolDepthStreamFlow | PoolDepthStreamFlow |
3.07f - Maximum Pool Depth at end of Culvert | plDepthMX | PoolDepthMax | PoolDepthMax |
3.08 - High Downstream Banks | HghDnBnk | HighDownstreamBanks | HighDownstreamBanks |
3.08a - Stepped Footers | StepFoot | SteppedFooters | SteppedFooters |
4.01a - Upstream Bed Material | UpBedMat | UpBedMaterial | UpBedMaterial |
4.01b - Downstream Bed Material | DnBdMat | DnBedMaterial | DnBedMaterial |
4.01c - In-structure Bed Material | InBdMat | InBedMaterial | InBedMaterial |
4.02a - Upstream Bedrock Present | UpBedPres | UpBedrockPresent | UpBedrockPresent |
4.02b - Downstream Bedrock Present | DnBdrcPres | DnBedrockPresent | DnBedrockPresent |
4.02c - In-structure Bedrock Present | InBdrcPres | InBedrockPresent | InBedrockPresent |
4.02d - In-structure Bed Material Throughout | InBdMatThr | InBedMaterialThroughout | InBedMaterialThroughout |
4.03a - Upstream sediment deposit | InCmpUpDp | UpDeposition | UpDeposition |
4.03b - List of downstream Sediment Deposit Types | Dndeposit | DnDeposits | DnDeposits |
4.03c - List of in Structure Deposit Types | InDeposit | InDeposits | InDeposits |
4.03d - List of upstream Sediment Deposit Types | UpDeposit | UpDeposits | UpDeposits |
4.03e - Upstream DepositesElevation | UpDepElev | UpDepositsElevation | UpDepositsElevation |
4.04a - Upstream Bank Erosion | UpBkEros | UpBankErosion | UpBankErosion |
4.04b - Downstream DepositsElevation | DnDpElev | DnDepositsElevation | DnDepositsElevation |
4.04c - In-structure Deposits Elevation | InDepElev | InDepositsElevation | InDepositsElevation |
4.05 - Potential failure due to scour | InCmpScr | Scour | Scour |
4.05a - Upstream Bank Armoring | UpBkArm | UpBankArmoring | UpBankArmoring |
4.05b - Downstream Bank Erosion | DNBNKEROS | DnBankErosion | DnBankErosion |
4.06a - List of upstream Scour Types | UpBedScrs | UpBedScours | UpBedScours |
4.06b - Downstream Bank Armoring | DNBNKARM | DnBankArmoring | DnBankArmoring |
4.06c - Downstream Scour and/or erosion present | InCmpDnScE | DnScourErosion | DnScourErosion |
4.06d - Structure related damage due to erosion of adjacent property | InCmpEros | Erosion | Erosion |
4.07a - Upstream Beaver Dam | UpBvDm | UpBeaverDam | UpBeaverDam |
4.07b - List of downstream Scour Types | DnBedScrs | DnBedScours | DnBedScours |
4.07c - Upstream Scour and/or erosion present | InCmpUpScE | UpScourErosion | UpScourErosion |
4.08a - Upstream Beaver Dam Distance | UpBvDmDist | UpBeaverDamDistance | UpBeaverDamDistance |
4.08b - Downstream Beaver Dam | DnBvDm | DnBeaverDam | DnBeaverDam |
4.08c - Beaver activity | InCmpBevA | BeaverActivity | BeaverActivity |
4.09b - Downstream Beaver Dam | DnBvDmDist | DnBeaverDamDistance | DnBeaverDamDistance |
5.01l - Upstream Left Dominant Vegetation | UpLtDmVg | UpLtDominantVegetation | UpLtDominantVegetation |
5.01r - Upstream Right Dominant Vegetation | UpRtDmVg | UpRtDominantVegetation | UpRtDominantVegetation |
5.02l - Downstream Left Dominant Vegitation | DnLtDmVg | DnLtDominantVegetation | DnLtDominantVegetation |
5.02r - Downstream Right Domintant Vegetation | DnRtDmVg | DnRtDominantVegetation | DnRtDominantVegetation |
5.03l - Upstream Left Vegetation Band | UpLtVgBd | UpLtVegetationBand | UpLtVegetationBand |
5.03r - Upstream Right Vegetation Band | UpRtVgBd | UprtVegetationBand | UprtVegetationBand |
5.04l - Downstream Left Vegetation Band | DnLtVgBd | DnLtVegetationBand | DnLtVegetationBand |
5.04r - Downstream Right Vegetation Band | DnRtVgBd | DnRtVegetationBand | DnRtVegetationBand |
5.05 - Spatial Data From GPS | SpatGPS | SpatialDataGPS | SpatialDataGPS |
5.06 - Are there Photos (yes, no) | Photos | Photos | Photos |
5.07 - Comments | Comments | Comments | Comments |
5.08 - 5.08 - GUID (2014 Standard) | GUID2014 | GUID2014 | GUID2014 |
6.01 - Road kill species observed | WldRdKill | RoadKillSpecies | RoadKillSpecies |
6.02 - Wildlife observed ouside of structure | WldOutSp | OutSpecies | OutSpecies |
6.03 - Wildlife observed inside of structure | WldInSp | InSpecies | InSpecies |
6.04a - Does not impede large wildlife | WldNImpLg | doesNotImpedeLargeWildlife | doesNotImpedeLargeWildlife |
6.04b - Does not impede medium wildlife | WldNImpMed | doesNotImpedeMediumWildlife | doesNotImpedeMediumWildlife |
6.04c - Does not impede small wildlife | WldNImpSml | doesNotImpedeSmallWildlife | doesNotImpedeSmallWildlife |