Hazardous Site List
Site Details
Site NameO'Neil Residence
Address583 Quarry Hill Road
Site UseResidential
Site Number20235342
DEC ManagerRichard Spiese
PriorityHIGH - Site with sensitive receptors that are affected with contamination
Site StatusVoluntary Action
Project StatusPFAS identified in new drinking water well. VDEC hiring contractor to investigate. W&S sent in WPCE to investigate, SMS approved.; Fall 2023: W&S conducted sampling of WSWs (10) and collected some soil samples (3). 3 residences are above the current standard, 3 residences had detections but below the current standard, 4 residences were non-detect.
Source of ContaminationUnknown
ContaminantPFAS (PFOA/PFOS)
Institutional Control 
Site Closure Date 
DEC Contact Email AddressRichard.Spiese@vermont.gov
Record Last Updated03-27-2024

Online Site Reports
*The documents listed above do not represent a comprehensive list of available site reports. To view additional site files, please schedule a file review by calling 802-828-1138.

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*Invoices above have been submitted to the ANR business office for payment. Payment should be received within 4-6 weeks after the "Review Date".