Storage of Waste Mercury-Containing Products
Waste Mercury-Containing Product Handling and Storage Guidelines
for Commercial/Institutional Facilities
All employees who handle or manage mercury-added
products shall be informed of proper handling and emergency procedures.
- Store mercury added products (fabricated products) in a designated area which is separate from solid waste disposal. (fabricated products
do not include elemental mercury or mercury compounds)
- Signs must be posted on the storage area that are clearly visible.
- Properly identify mercury-added products by labeling each collection container with, "(Waste) or (Used) or (Universal Waste) Mercury-Containing
- Store containers for no more than one year.
- Broken mercury-added devices must be managed as a hazardous waste. At a minimum, the device, the released mercury and cleanup debris should
be sealed in a plastic bag and transferred to a closed compatible container labeled "Hazardous Waste" (with a description of the
Mercury-Containing Lamps
- Do not crush mercury-added lamps. Lamps should be stored in ways that avoid breakage as crushing releases mercury vapors that may pose
health and environmental risks. Broken lamps are hazardous waste.
- Mercury-added lamps should be placed in packaging functionally equivalent to that used to ship new lamps. (Lamp recyclers can provide
adequate containers for collection).
- Seal full packages with tape (Do not tape lamps together). Label packages with wording such as "Waste (or Used) Mercury-Containing
Lamps(s)" or "Universal Waste Mercury-Containing Lamps"
- Store packages of lamps no more than five (5) feet high.
Additional Information on storage and disposal options: