Act 250 Agenda for a 3-week period. (This week, the prior week, and the week after.)

The agenda is an aggregate list of Act 250 projects that have been noticed or for which a decision or Jurisdictional Opinion (JO) has been issued.

This page is updated daily, so check back often.
42 Projects. Click [View] for details.
 Project NumberApplication TypeApplicant(s)Landowner(s)Project AddresDescriptionStatusTownHearing DateDecision IssuedAgenda DateComment/Petition due by
4C1110-4B Adm. Amend Rieley Properties, LLC; The Snyder Annex Lot 2A, LLC; Rieley Properties., LLC; The Snyder Annex Lot 2A LLC; 92 Alpine Drive This permit specifically authorizes modifications to the multi-family building footprint and architecture located on Lot 2A, approved for construction is Act 250 LUP 4C1110-4. There are no changes to the previously approved number of bedrooms or dwelling units approved for this building. The number of parking spaces in the garage, located on the building's lower level, will increase from 62 to 63 spaces. The number of surface parking spaces to be shared with the multi-family building on Lot 1A is unchanged. Permit Williston Yes 10-21-2024
4C1128-5B Adm. Amend JJJ South Burlington, LLC; JJJ South Burlington, LLC; 1699 Hinesburg Road The purpose of this application is to extend the October 30, 2024 construction completion deadline established in permit condition #59 of LUP #4C1128-5 to April 17, 2029. Permit South Burlington Yes 10-21-2024
5W1206-1C Adm. Amend Youl Hill Federal National Mortgage Association; Federal National Mortgage Association; 1576 Ripley Rd This amendment is to incorporate the wastewater permit WW-5-2342-1 into the 5W1206-1 series, which replaces the previously permitted peat filter pre-treatment system with a Premier Tech Ecoflo STB-650BR Permit Waterbury Yes 10-21-2024
4C0648-27C Adm. Amend Quintin Brothers Real Estate Holdings LLC; Quintin Brothers Real Estate Holdings LLC; 1028 S. Brownell Rd This permit is an after-the-fact authorization for changes to the signage on an existing commercial building and business located at 1028 South Brownell Road in Williston, VT. Permit Williston Yes 10-21-2024
JO 2-356 JO 78 South St This project proposes to redevelop WWHT's Chalet property in Brattleboro. The property currently has 36 dwelling units, and the new development proposes 70 total units of permanent, mixed-income housing over multiple phases. The first phase will be the new construction of a 30-unit apartment building, The second phase will be the new construction of five two-story duplex homes to be sold as 10 shared-equity condominiums (this phase is likely to be split into two phases). The third phase will be the development of 30 additional units of housing, which will comprise four units in the renovated historic main chalet banquet building, eight units in a new two-story townhomes and flats building, and 18 units in a three-story, double-loaded corridor multifamily building. JO issued Brattleboro Yes 10-14-2024
JO 3-359(Corrected) JO 130 VT Route 12 Remodel the inside of this property and replace old windows, and paint the dwelling on .98-acre lot 1. JO issued Hartland Yes 10-21-2024
JO 3-361 JO Gloria Hammond; 130 VT Route 12 Build a garage of approximately 40x30 on the area noted on the site plan od WW-3-0121-2 as Proposed New 3 Bedroom House. The existing house was not removed and will remain. (Note that this is the same building, but a different project, that was the subject of JO 3-359(Corrected), which was about maintenance to the existing house.) JO issued Hartland Yes 10-21-2024
JO 4-404 JO Rick Bove Bove Brothers Realty; 300 Main Street The project consists of a single 69-unit new residential building, approximately 90,000 square feet. The building is sited on 1.54-acre lot located at 300 Main Street in Winooski. Withdrawn Winooski Yes 10-21-2024
JO 4-426 JO 23 Broad Acres Drive JO request for Town of Colchester installation of new sewer service lines from the ROW and connecting to existing buildings. The existing septic systems serving these properties will be decommissioned as part of the project. JO issued Colchester Yes 10-14-2024
JO 4-427 JO 135 W. Lakeshore Drive JO request for Town of Colchester installation of new sewer service lines from the ROW and connecting to existing buildings. The existing septic systems serving these properties will be decommissioned as part of the project. JO issued Colchester Yes 10-14-2024
JO 4-428 JO 64,598,570,564 S. Bay Circle JO request for Town of Colchester installation of new sewer service lines from the ROW and connecting to existing buildings. The existing septic systems serving these properties will be decommissioned as part of the project. JO issued Colchester Yes 10-14-2024
JO 5-149 JO 4411 VT Route 109 Replacement of unsafe playground equipment with new equipment, including resurfacing of a 40’ x 60’ playground area. Woodchips will be utilized as a base for the playground resurfacing and as backfill to secure playground structures. The new structures will be placed within the same footprint as the old equipment. JO issued Belvidere Yes 10-28-2024
JO 7-408 JO 57 Jr. High Dr. At the existing North Country Union Junior High School, that is the subject of Act 250 permit 7R0742 as amended, complete the “Green Schools Initiative” Project, Stormwater Treatment. JO issued Derby Yes 10-14-2024
4C1320 Major Colchester Avenue Housing, LLC; F.J. von Turkovich Colchester Avenue Housing, LLC; 66, 72, 80, 94 & 96 Colchester Avenue and 27 Fletcher Place Construction of a single building with 71 residential units with both surface and underground parking, and the reconstruction of parking serving five existing structures located along Colchester Avenue. The project is located at 66, 72, 80, 94 and 96 Colchester Avenue and 27 Fletcher Place in Burlington, Vermont. Permit Burlington 02-06-2020 Yes 10-14-2024 11-10-2022
4C0325-5 Major Garett Serke Rhino Foods; Rhino Foods, Inc.; Rooney Castle Rhino Foods; Ted Castle Rhino Foods; Zoo Holdings, LLC; Zoo Too, LLC; 179 Queen City Park Road This permit specifically authorizes the merging of two existing lots into one, and the development of an approximately 65,000 square foot addition to the existing Rhino Foods facility including associated access, parking, utility, and stormwater modifications (the Project). Permit Burlington 04-23-2024 Yes 10-14-2024
9A0312-3 Major Peter, Jr. Norris Two Dog team LLC; Peter Jr. Norris Two Dog Team; Lot 5, Norris Commercial Park, 65 Campground Road Construction of a ±12,000 square-foot commercial building with associated infrastructure and utilities upon ±3.28-acre Lot 5 of the previously approved Norris Commercial Park. The Project will accommodate up to 24 employees and 4 potential lease spaces. Pending (Hearing) New Haven No 10-28-2024
5L0220 Major Deerwood Townhouses; Stowe Building Co., Inc.; Land Use Permit (LUP) 5L0220, issued on August 27, 1974 to Stowe Building Company authorized a 78-unit condo project located on a 156-acres tract off West Hill Road in Stowe, Vermont. The project did not commence. After LUP 5L0220 expired, Stowe Building Company filed application 5L0686 to renew the permit. LUP 5L0686 was issued on April 12, 1982. The project did not commence. Current owner Mary J. Connacher Revocable Family Trust has no intention of commencing the project. Abandoned Stowe Yes 10-14-2024
5L0686 Major Stowe Building Co., Inc.; Land Use Permit (LUP) 5L0220, issued on August 27, 1974, to Stowe Building Company authorized a 78-unit condo project located on a 156-acres tract off West Hill Road in Stowe, Vermont. The project did not commence. After LUP 5L0220 expired, Stowe Building Company filed application 5L0686 to renew the permit. LUP 5L0686 was issued on April 12, 1982. The project did not commence. Current owner Mary J. Connacher Revocable Family Trust has no intention of commencing the project. Abandoned Stowe Yes 10-14-2024
5L1136-6(Remand) Major TOWN OF MORRISTOWN; Duhamel Road “Phase III” of existing sand and gravel extraction operations on a ±316-acre tract of Town-owned lands. The proposed Phase-3 gravel extraction area is set within an existing open field consisting of ±12.06 acres located to the south of the Phase I and II extraction areas. The Project proposes a five-phase, twenty-five-year operation for a total extraction of approximately 700,000 cubic yards. Additionally, the Project proposes “special projects” of up to 6,000 cubic yards per year for town road projects that are beyond the scope of the regular town highway program. Permit Morristown Yes 10-21-2024
5L1614-1 Major 2322 Laporte Road, LLC; 2322 Laporte Road, LLC; 2322 Laporte Road The Applicant is seeking an Act 250 LUP for construction of a new industrial park to be constructed on an 89-acre sub-parcel of a larger 437-acre parcel located west of VT Route 100 across from the Morrisville-Stowe Airport, in Morristown’s IND 5 industrial zoning district. The Project proposes 26 industrial lots, buildings, roadways, utilities, wastewater and water systems, and associated site amenities. The new water supply well, water treatment and storage building will be located across Cochran Road on another sub-parcel of the 437 acre parcel, west of the industrial park between Cochran and Stagecoach Roads. During construction, the Project proposes extracting rock from a bedrock knoll on the southern portion of the 89-acre parcel. Rock will be processed and used onsite for construction of project infrastructure. Remaining extracted material will be sold commercially. Once extraction is complete, the extraction area will reclaimed, and used for development of industrial lots. Pending (Hearing) Morristown No 10-14-2024
5W0680-7 Minor Patrick Crowl LJBC Associates, LLC; Patrick Crowl LJBC Associates, LLC; 2802 Waterbury-Stowe Road The installation of 8 parking lot lights, mounted 13 feet above grade on posts, and paving the existing gravel parking lot. Pending (Comment Period) Waterbury No 10-28-2024 11-11-2024
4C0723-7B Minor Lisa Schaeffler Town of Milton; Town of Milton; Sammanikki Circle and Chrisemily Lane The project is generally described as the repair and stabilization of existing stormwater gullies located at the outlets of existing storm pipes and the installation of subsurface infiltration chambers within the roadway to treat and reduce the volume of stormwater runoff entering into the repaired gullies. The project is located off of Sammanikki Circle and Chrisemily Lane in Milton, Vermont. Pending (Comment Period) Milton No 10-14-2024 10-28-2024
4C0331-40 Minor Nicolas Longo Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport; Nicolas Longo City of Burlington; 1200 Airport Drive This permit specifically authorizes the reuse or replacement of contaminated soils at and near the existing north concourse at Burlington International Airport. This work will include the following construction: below grade soil improvements, a vapor mitigation system, rammed aggregate piers, concrete footings, geothermal wells, access roads, security fence adjustments and electrical maintenance. The project is located at 1200 Airport Drive in South Burlington, Vermont. Permit South Burlington Yes 10-21-2024 10-11-2024
4C0461 Minor William Sawyer; RENOVATE MOTEL = 20 APTS Cleanup Milton No 10-21-2024
4C0618-4D,4C0618-5B Minor Garry Scott Founders Memorial School and Essex Middle School; Essex Westford School District; 60 Founders Road/33 Founders Road This permit specifically authorizes the construction of three separate forebays and infiltration basins for stormwater treatment on the project tracts. The area of construction disturbance is 1.30 acres. The parcel is approximately 165 acres, with 11.85 acres of impervious surface that consists of buildings, parking areas and access drives, and pathways. The project is part of the Green Schools Initiative and ARPA. Pending (Comment Period) Essex Junction, City of No 10-14-2024 10-28-2024
4C1359 Minor Andrew Roy The Bolton Dome Company; Andrew Roy; Sharon Sampilo; Champ Lane This permit specifically authorizes the construction of three remote huts for commercial use. Construction will occur in phases over three years: with one hut being constructed per year. Construction activities include clearing brush and minor tree cutting with no ground disturbance, constructing huts using on and off-site materials, and minor trail maintenance (the Project). Guest access to the carry-in/carry-out sites will be non-vehicular via existing hiking trails. Guest parking to be at existing parking area on Champ Lane. Platforms and huts will be used for brief over-night stays in a natural setting. The sites will have composting toilets yielding no liquid, no connection to water source, no interior plumbing except small amounts of hauled in water (±10gal/day/hut) and a sink. All contents from composting toilets will be disposed of in compliance with VT WW Rules § 1-929. The Project is located at Champ Lane in Bolton, Vermont. Pending (Comment Period) Bolton No 10-28-2024 11-12-2024
1R0072-5 Minor LBL Properties, LLC; LBL Properties, LLC; 2540 Route 30, Castleton The project is generally described as the removal of an existing pool and hot tub, the restoration of the area as lawn space, and the new construction of a pool, hot tub, and bathhouse/storage space to the south of the existing pool and hot tub location, including the extension of the water and sewer services. Additionally, this project redefines the location of the “pool area” previously defined in Land Use Permit 1R0072-3. Pending (Comment Period) Castleton No 10-28-2024 11-12-2024
1R0458-7 Minor Spring Lake Ranch, Inc.; Spring Lake Ranch, Inc.; 1144 Spring Lake Road, Cuttingsville, VT The new construction of four (4) buildings (consisting of one community center (accommodating 4 employees and up to 1 event per month); one 2-unit single occupancy building; one 6-unit single occupancy building; and one 4-unit single occupancy building) and related infrastructure (on-site drilled water supply, service connections, wastewater collection system, septic tanks, a new community wastewater disposal field, and a driveway). Permit Shrewsbury Yes 10-21-2024 09-30-2024
1R0572-6B Minor Splash Holdings ECO VT, LLC.; Splash Holdings ECO VT, LLC.; 50 Diamond Run Mall Place The project includes the installation of exterior signage, to include one ~71-square foot, double-sided freestanding monument sign with electronic message board; two building-mounted signs, being an ~32.5 square foot ‘car wash’ sign and an ~80 square foot logo sign; and ~3 square foot enter/exit directional signs along the driveway. The signs will all be similar colors to the previously approved building. The electronic message board will not include strobing, flashing, scrolling or moving text or graphics, and will dim based on ambient daylight. The free-standing and building-mounted signs are to be halo backlit individually illuminated channel logos/letters; the directional signs will be non-illuminated. Application also seeks approval for the ‘as-built’ modifications to the previously approved landscaping plan and water line. Pending (Comment Period) Rutland Town No 10-14-2024 10-31-2024
1R0695-3(Altered) Minor MPH Holdings LLC; Branch Brook Holdings LLC; WC Holdings Inc; Station Road Construction of a +/- 6,300 sf mixed use commercial/residential building on a previously approved lot. The lower floor will be the shop and offices for a plumbing company with up to 12 employees, and the second floor will have two 3-bedroom apartments, which may be used as short term or full-year rentals. Improvements include the building, parking/driveway, landscaping, well, wastewater and stormwater management systems. Permit Mount Holly Yes 10-14-2024
2W0511-11 Minor Robert Spencer Windham Solid Waste Management District; Windham Solid Waste Management District; 327 Old Ferry Rd the construction of a covered active composting building with aeration and a liquid collection sump tank, a mixing pad, and a biofilter. Permit Brattleboro Yes 10-14-2024 08-15-2024
2W0801-2 Minor K & N Stark Farm LLC; K & N Stark Farm LLC; 16 Stark Farm Road The project is generally described as the expansion of the existing 4-bedroom home on Lot 1 into an 8-bedroom home, and the renovation of an existing, detached barn into a 1-bedroom cottage/cabin. Pending (Comment Period) Winhall No 10-21-2024 11-14-2024
2W1386-1 Minor Katheryne Emond Pumpkin Patch; Bharat Parekh Tridha LLC; 57 Putney Landing The project is generally described as increasing the capacity of the childcare center authorized under Land Use Permit 2W1386-1 from 18 students to 60 students and 20 employees. Specifically, the community center building (including the childcare center, a youth center, a children’s museum/play space, a café (40 seats), and an event venue (with a capacity of 90 persons)) will be connected to the town water system by connecting to sprinkler service line already connected to building. Pending (Comment Period) Putney No 10-14-2024 10-31-2024
3W0303-2 Minor Scott Cooney Town of Hartford; John Haverstock Town of Hartford; 131 Willard Road A 47’ x 35’ two-story addition is proposed for the north side of the existing 2-bay firehouse. Two parking spaces (for a total on-site of 6), including one accessible, are to be located to the addition’s west side. Lawn will be planted in the areas adjacent to the new parking and in the immediate vicinity of the addition. The first floor contains one office each for the fire and police departments, a conference room, storage for essential equipment and gear, and living/dining/kitchen/bathroom facilities for the resident firefighters. The second floor contains four sleeping quarters, a fitness room, another bathroom and additional storage space. The existing trailer will be removed and the asphalt paving to the south of the building will be patched and repaired, providing parking for 4 staff and visitor vehicles. An emergency generator powered by an existing buried propane tank will be located in the southeast corner of this lot. Permit Hartford Yes 10-21-2024 09-24-2024
5W1622 Minor Stephen Gerard Dreamland sanctuary; Lickfield Catherine Dreamland Sanctuary; 233 Downs rd as-built Green Mountain Druid School, located on a 69.8 acres tract in Worcester named “Dreamland Sanctuary”, a non-profit for the preservation and management of the land as an eco-spiritual retreat center. The school buildings consist of a cabin and a yurt. (Restroom facilities and running water are accessible in the Lickfield residence) As of 2024, the former weekend residential school will now be offered primarily online. However, there will be face to face classes for students on-site and retreats and other events scheduled on weekends from May through October. It is anticipated that 5 and 7 students will attend weekend classes. Three-day overnight eco-spiritual retreats are anticipated to host between 30 participants the first night and 12 to 15 participants for the other two nights. In addition to the weekend classes, there will also be 11 or 12 events on Wednesday evenings at Dreamland (not associated with the school). Each event will be approximately 2-3 hours long, with between 10 and 30 participants. Finally, there is one day event in early November with between 30-40 participants. Permit Worcester Yes 10-28-2024 08-20-2024
6F0487-4A Minor NORTHWEST VERMONT SOLID WASTE MGT DIST; NORTHWEST VERMONT SOLID WASTE MGT DIST; 158 Morse Drive Construction of improvements at the existing recycling center, to include the following: (1) a new loop road and parking area; (2) infrastructure for dumpster relocation; (3) a ±1,780 square-foot covered and partially enclosed storage area; (4) a covered material drop-off zone; and (5) a ±1,385 square-foot drive-thru material drop-off area with a material storage area and a second-floor office area. The ±5.07-acre parcel is located within an existing, previously approved business/industrial park. Permit Georgia Yes 10-21-2024 06-24-2024
6F0669(Corrected)-2 Minor Sandy Birch Road LLC; Sandy Birch Road LLC; Sandy Birch Road Installation of ±540 linear feet of natural gas pipeline and service connections to six previously approved single-family residences as part of Phase II of the Sandy Birch Road Subdivision. Pending (Comment Period) Georgia No 10-14-2024 10-28-2024
7C0389-8-1 Minor Bretton Gardner Pike Industries, Inc.; Pike Industries, Inc.; 2884 Duck Pond Road This project consists of the expansion, continuation, and operational modifications of Pike Industries Waterford Quarry, within property owned by Pike Industries, Inc. Refer to attached Project Overview document. Pending (Comment Period) Waterford No 10-14-2024 10-31-2024
7R0841-18 Minor John Gay New England Waste Services of Vermont, Inc.; New England Waste Services of Vermont, Inc.; 21 Landfill Lane The St. Onge Soil Stockpile Project (Project) consists of constructing two soil stockpile areas on the east side of Airport Road. The two stockpile areas are named Soil Stockpile A and South St, Onge Soil Stockpile. The stockpiles are needed for soils excavated as part of permitted landfill construction. Pending (Comment Period) Coventry No 10-14-2024 10-30-2024
8B0036-4,8B0090-1 Minor Robert Gaiotti Town of Dorset; Michel Baumann; Town of Dorset; 8 Read Farm Lane East Dorset, VT 05253 The project is generally described as the demolition of a restaurant, barn, silo, gravel parking area, asphalt parking area, and small shed/outbuilding. This permit also authorizes the after the fact boundary line adjustment between SPAN Parcel 180-057-10224 (containing 8 Read Farm Lane) and SPAN Parcel 180-057-10067 (containing 68 Read Farm Lane). The 8 Read Farm Lane parcel increased from 2.6 acres to 2.75 acres, and the 68 Read Farm Lane parcel decreased from 6.82 acres to 6.68 acres. Pending (Comment Period) Dorset No 10-14-2024 10-31-2024
8B0268-17 Minor Robert Beuth Dorset Field Club, Inc.; Dorset Field Club, Inc.; 132 Church Street This permit specifically authorizes 1) the expansion of the Clubhouse within the footprint of an existing covered porch, 2) construction of a replacement patio adjacent to the Clubhouse, 3) the expansion of the Pro Shop within the footprint of the existing concrete retaining wall foundation, and 4) the expansion of the Pavilion within the footprint of an existing deck. Permit Dorset Yes 10-14-2024 10-09-2024
8B0474-12 Minor Hannaford Brothers Company; Hannaford Brothers Company; 141 Hannaford Square This project is generally described as the installation of a 10’ x 24’ mechanical pod (housing condenser units) outside of and adjacent to the existing building. Pending (Comment Period) Bennington No 10-14-2024 10-31-2024