The following amalgam separators meet the standards required for these devices in Vermont. Most separators will work with wet or dry vacuum systems. Unit costs will vary in some cases depending on number of chairs and type of vacuum system. This list will be revised occasionally as necessary. Before making purchasing decisions, please reference this website or call the Environmental Assistance Office at 800-974-9559.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Pure Water Development, LLC. Miami, FL Contact Information: (877) 638-2797 or (305) 663-2989 web: www.ecotwo.com Model Name or Number: ECO II Removal technology used: Sedimentation Capacity: 6-8 chairs Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Unit tested and reported on in Vermont Amalgam Separator Pilot Project. Available directly from Pure Water Development. Entire unit removed for recycling.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Air Techniques, Melville, NY Contact Information: (800) AIR-TECH or (516) 433-7676 web: www.airtechniques.com Model Name or Number: Acadia Amalgam Separator Removal technology used: Sedimentation and filtration Capacity: Up to 10 chairs Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Installation process is the same regardless of vacuum type. Available through local dental equipment dealers.
Manufacturer or Distributor: SolmeteX, Northborough, MA Contact Information: (800) 216-5505 or (508) 393-5115 web: www.solmetex.com Model Name or Number: Hg5 and Hg10 series Removal technology used: Sedimentation, filtration, ion exchange Capacity: Variable, depending on unit 10-25 chairs Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Unit tested and reported on in Vermont Amalgam Separator Pilot Project. Available through dental dealers. Cartridge removed for recycling.
Manufacturer or Distributor: AB Dental Trends, Lyden, WA Contact Information: (800) 817-6704 web: www.amalgamseparation.com Model Name or Number: Rasch 890 series Removal technology used: Sedimentation, filtration, ion exchange Capacity: Variable, 12 chairs or more Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Unit tested and reported on in Vermont Amalgam Separator Pilot Project. Available directly from distributor. May become available through local dental dealers. Collector box removed for recycling. Wet vacuum systems require air/water separator unit.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Rebec, LLC, Lynwood WA Contact Information: (800) 569-1088 web: www.rebecsolutions.com Model Name or Number: Catch 400, 400 plus, 1000 and 1000 plus series Removal technology used: Sedimentation and filtration Capacity: 1-10 chairs and larger Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Unit tested and reported on in Vermont Amalgam Separator Pilot Project. Available directly from distributor. Available through local dental dealers. Collector box removed for recycling.
Manufacturer or Distributor: R&D Services, North Seattle, WA Contact Information: (800) 816-4995 web: www.theamalgamcollector.com Model Name or Number: CH series, CE series Removal technology used: Sedimentation Capacity: 1-10 chairs and larger Recycling Service Provided: No Additional Information: Available directly from distributor. Select height of a unit to be purchased based on flow your flow rate. Dental office regularly adjusts outlet tube height, decants liquid and occasionally empties sludge waste. Cannisters may be replaced or reused. Dental office to manage the amalgam wastes.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Dental Recycling North America (DRNA), New York, NY Contact Information: (800) 360-1001 web: www.drna.com Model Name or Number: BU10, BU30 Removal technology used: Sedimentation Capacity: 1-12 chairs Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: 120 V AC power supply needed to pump settled effluent from unit. Utilizes automatic timer.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Amercan Dental Accessories Contact Information: (800) 331-7993 web: www.amerdental.com Model Name or Number: Asdex AS-9 Removal technology used: Filtration Capacity: One filter unit per chair Recycling Service Provided: No Additional Information: Dental office replaces a used filter with a new filter every 4-6 weeks. Dental office to manage waste filters.
Manufacturer or Distributor: M.A.R.S Bio-Med Processes Inc. Contact Information: (866) 594-3648 web: www.marsbiomed.com Model Name or Number: LibertyBOSS Removal technology used: Sedimentation, filtration, ion exchange Capacity: 1-10 chairs Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Entire unit removed for recycling. Available direct from manufacturer or through authorized distributors.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Medentex, LLC, Parsippany, NJ Contact Information: (888) 640-2527 web: www.medentex.com Model Name or Number: Amalsed® Direct S and Amalsed® Direct L Removal technology used: Sedimentation Capacity: 1-2 Dentists (Direct S) and 3-4 Dentists (Direct L) Custom Solutions Available for Larger offices Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: Kits available for both wet and dry vacuum systems. Collector box removed for recycling. Available through dental dealers. Services also available for proper disposal of loose amalgam.
Manufacturer or Distributor: Dennis J. Duel & Associates, Inc., Mundelein, IL Contact Information: (847) 609-1458 web: www.chairsidefilter.com Model Name or Number: Model DD2011 Amalgam Separator Removal technology used: Filtration Capacity: One filter unit per chair Recycling Service Provided: Yes Additional Information: None provided.
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