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Export Phase 2 Field List

Filename:Phase 2 Mapping Source
ProjectID NumberProject Unique Identifier
FLOW_REG_TYP TextUpstream Flow Regulation Type
SIG_FL_REG TextUpstream Flow Regulation Signal (Yes | No)
UPSTR_FLOW TextUpstream Flow Regulation Exists (Yes | No)
STEEP_RIFL TextNumber of Steep Riffles
BAR_DELTA TextNumber of Delta Bars
BAR_MID TextNumber of Mid-point Bars
BAR_ISLAND TextNumber of Islands
FLOOD_CHUT TextNumber of Flood Chutes
CHANNL_AVL TextNumber of Channel Avulsions
BRAIDING TextAmount of Braiding
PROJ_NAME TextProject Name
DEP_RNG TextNumber of Depositional Features per Mile (<=2 | >2 & <=5 | >5)
L_EROS_LEN NumberNumber of feet of Erosion in the Left Bank
L_EROS_RNG TextPercentage of Erosion to the Left Bank (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
R_EROS_LEN NumberNumber of feet of Erosion in the Right Bank
R_EROS_RNG TextPercentage of Erosion to the Right Bank (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
MASS_FAIL NumberNumber of Mass Failures
GULLIES NumberNumber of Gullies
MF_GUL_RNG TextNumber of Gullies and Mass Failures per Mile (<=2 | > 2 & <=5 | >5)
TRIB_REJUV TextTributary Rejuvenation (Yes | No)
HEAD_CUTS NumberNumber of Head Cuts
REACH_ID NumberReach Unique Identifier
H_CT_PRSNT TextHead Cuts Present (Yes | No)
STRAI_P NumberPercentage of Segment that has been straightened
P_STRT_RNG TextPercentage Range of Segment that has been straightened (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
CNTRL_NM_2 NumberNumber of Grade Controls
DEP_AB NumberNumber Constrictions that have Deposition Above water level
CNSTR_CNTL TextNumber of Constrictions and Controls per Mile (<=2 | > 2 & <=5 | >5)
BERM_LEN_1 NumberBerm Length on One Side
BERM_LEN_2 NumberBerm Length on Two Sides
PATH_LEN_1 NumberPath Length on One Side
PATH_LEN_2 NumberPath Length on Two Sides
SEGMENT_ID TextSegment Unique Identifier
ROAD_LEN_1 NumberRoad Length on One Side
ROAD_LEN_2 NumberRoad Length on Two Sides
RR_LEN_1 NumberRail Road Length on One Side
RR_LEN_2 NumberRail Road Length on Two Sides
ENCRCH_RNG TextThe highest percentage of Encroachments (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
BVRDAM_NUM NumberNumber of Beaver Dams
BVRDAM_RNG TextNumber of Beaver Dams per mile (<=2 | > 2 & <=5 | >5)
DEP_S_RNG TextSum of Steep Riffles, Delta Bars & Mid Bars per Mile (<=2 | > 2 & <=5 | >5)
DREDGING TextIs there any Dredging History (Yes | No)
L_BUFF_25TextLeft Dominant Buffer Width
REACHPTID TextReach Point Unique Identifier
R_BUFF_25TextRight Dominant Buffer Width
BED_MATER NumberD50 Bed Substrate Material
COURSE_BED TextDoes the Segment have Course Bed Material (yes | No)
LL_BNK_CON TextLower Left Bank Consistency (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
LR_BNK_CON TextLower Right Bank Constancy (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
COHESIVE TextIs the Lower Right or Left Bank Cohesive (yes | No)
L_REVT_LEN NumberLeft Bank Revetment Length
L_REVT_RNG TextPercentage of Left Bank Revetment (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
R_REVT_LEN NumberRight Bank Revetment Length
R_REVT_RNG TextPercentage of Right Bank Revetment (<5% | >=5% & <=20% | >20%)
PH2SEGID TextUnique Segment Identifier (composite from reach point id and segment id)
CH_AVLSTAG TextChannel Evolution Stage
STR_SENSIT TextStream Sensitivity
INCI_RATIO NumberIncision Ratio
STREAMTYPE TextStream Type
SLOPE_MODTextSlope Modifier (Subclass Slope)
WID_2_DEPNumberWidth to depth ratio
CONF_TYPE TextPhase 2 Valley Type
STRAIT_LEN NumberStraightening Length
STRGHT_50 TextDoes this Segment have more than 50% Straightening (yes | No)
REVT_SIG TextDoes this Segment have more than 50% Revetment (yes | No)
STRM_NAME TextStream Name
DEGRD_HIST TextHistory of Degradation
AGGRD_HIST TextHistory of Agrigation
VERT_AGGTextVertical Aggradation Indicator
VERT_DEGTextVertical Degradation Indicator
GEO_CONDTNTextRapid geomorphic assessment condition
GORGETextIs this segment in a Rock Gorge?
PH2_SED_RETextSediment Regime
STORMW_NUM NumberStorm water Inputs Number
STRM_RNG TextStorm water Inputs Number range (<=2 | >2 & <=5 | >5)