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Export Phase 2 Field List

Filename:Phase 2 RHA Scores
PROJ_NAMETextProject Name
BEDFORMTextType of bed form
rhaStrmTypTextRapid Habitat Assessment Stream Type
rhaDeptTypTextRapid Habitat Assessment Departure Type
rhaComntsTextRapid Habitat Assessment Comments
SEG_LENGTHNumberLength of the segment (ft.)
AvailCoverIntegerAvailable Cover
PoolSubstIntegerPool Substrate
PoolVarIntegerPool Variability
SedDepositIntegerSediment Deposition
ChnlFlwStaIntegerChannel Flow Status
ProjectIDIntegerProject Identifier
ChnlAltrtnIntegerChannel Alteration
ChnlSinuosIntegerChannel Sinuosity
BnkStabLIntegerLeft Bank Stability
BnkStabRIntegerRight Bank Stability
BnkVegPrtLIntegerLeft Bank Vegetation Protection
BnkVegPrtRIntegerRight Bank Vegetation Protection
VegZnWdthLIntegerLeft Vegetation Zone Width
VegZnWdthRIntegerRight Vegetation Zone Width
WdyDbrsCovIntegerWoody Debris Cover
BdSubstCovIntegerBed Substrate Cover
RCHPTIDTextReach Point ID (from SGAT)
ScrAndDepIntegerScour And Deposition
ChnlMorphIntegerChannel Morphology
HydrCharsIntegerHydrological Characteristics
BanksLIntegerLeft River Banks
BanksRIntegerRight River Banks
RipAreaLIntegerLeft Riparian Area
RipAreaRIntegerRight Riparian Area
RhaScoreNumberRHA Total Score
RhaPercntNumberTotal Percentage
REACH_IDIntegerReach ID (a number)
HabConditTextHabitat Condition
RhaLegScrNumberRHA Total Legacy Score
LegRatingNumberLegacy Rating
SEGMENT_IDTextSegment Identifier
IsFitSingleIs this an FIT project
IsNotAssesSingleIs Segment Not Assessed
HAStrmTypeTextHabitat Assessment Stream Type
HACondtionTextHabitat Assessment Condition