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PROJ_NAMETextProject name
REACH_IDNumberReach ID (a number)
RCHPTIDTextReach point ID
Ph2SegIDTextCombination of Reach Point ID and Segment ID
SEG_LENGTHNumberLength of the segment (ft.)
STRM_NAMETextStream name
IS_SUBRCHTextIs segment in a sub-reach?
SEGMENTATNTextType of segmentation
ALLUV_FANTextIs segment located on an alluvial fan?
BERM_LEN_1NumberLength of berms running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 1 side (ft.)
BERM_LEN_2NumberLength of berms running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 2 sides (ft.)
L_BERM_LENNumberLeft - Length of berms running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
R_BERM_LENNumberRight - Length of berms running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
ROAD_LEN_1NumberLength of roads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 1 side (ft.)
ROAD_LEN_2NumberLength of roads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 2 sides (ft.)
L_ROAD_LENNumberLeft - Length of roads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
R_ROAD_LENNumberRight - Length of roads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
RR_LEN_1NumberLength of railroads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 1 side (ft.)
RR_LEN_2NumberLength of railroads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor - 2 sides (ft.)
L_RR_LENNumberLeft - Length of railroads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
R_RR_LENNumberRight - Length of railroads running parallel or nearly parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
PATH_LEN_1NumberLength of improved paths running parallel to stream in river corridor - 1 side (ft.)
PATH_LEN_2NumberLength of improved paths running parallel to stream in river corridor - 2 sides (ft.)
L_PATH_LENNumberLeft - Length of improved paths running parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
R_PATH_LENNumberRight - Length of improved paths running parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
DEV_LEN_1NumberLength of development running parallel to stream in river corridor - 1 side(ft.)
DEV_LEN_2NumberLength of development running parallel to stream in river corridor - 2 sides (ft.)
L_DEV_LENNumberLeft - Length of development running parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
R_DEV_LENNumberRight - Length of development running parallel to stream in river corridor (ft.)
L_HILLSLPTextLeft - Slope of hillside
R_HILLSLPTextRight - Slope of hillside
L_HILLCONTTextLeft - Is hillside continuous with riverbank?
R_HILLCONTTextRight - Is hillside continuous with riverbank?
L_HILLINWDTextLeft - Is hillside within 1 bankfull width?
R_HILLINWDTextRight - Is hillside within 1 bankfull width?
L_HILLTEXTTextLeft - Dominant texture of exposed materials in lower half of the slope
R_HILLTEXTTextRight - Dominant texture of exposed materials in lower half of the slope
P2VALY_WIDNumberValley width (ft.)
ValleyWidDtextValley Width Determination
CONFM_TYPETextConfinement type for segment
ROCK_GORGETextIs segment in a rock gorge?
HUMAN_CHNGTextHas there been a human-caused change in the valley width?
BANKFL_WIDNumberBankfull width (ft.)
MAX_DEPTHNumberMaximum depth (ft.)
MEAN_DEPTHNumberMean depth (ft.)
FLOODP_WIDNumberFloodprone width (ft.)
REC_ABN_FPNumberRecently abandoned floodplain height (ft.)
HEFloodplnNumberHuman Elevated Floodplain
WID_2_DEPNumberWidth to depth ratio
ENTRCHMENTNumberEntrenchment ratio
INCI_RATIONumberIncision ratio
IncRatHEFNumberIncision Ratio - Human Elevated FloodPlain
SINUOSITYTextType of sinuosity
RIFFL_TYPETextType of riffles
RIFFL_STEPNumberAverage distance between riffles or steps
BedrockNumberBedrock Substrate Composition Percent
BoulderNumberBoulder Substrate Composition Percent
CobbleNumberCobble Substrate Composition Percent
CrseGravelNumberCourse Gravel Substrate Composition Percent
FineGravelNumberFine Gravel Substrate Composition Percent
SandNumberSand Substrate Composition Percent
SiltNumberSilt or Smaller Substrate Composition Percent
SILT_CLAYTextIs Silt or Clay found in the riverbed?
DetritusPeNumberDetritus Percent
WOODY_DEBRNumberCount of large woody debris
STREAMTYPETextStream type
P2BD_MATERTextType of bed material
P2SB_SLOPETextSubclass slope
P2BEDFORMTextType of bed form
SubBedFormTextP2 SubDominate Bed Form
FieldSlopeNumberP2 Field Measured Slope
P2RF_STTYPTextReference different from Phase 1 - Stream type
REF_BEDMATTextReference different from Phase 1 - Type of bed material
REF_SUBSLPTextReference different from Phase 1 - Subclass slope
REF_BEDFRMTextReference different from Phase 1 - Type of bed form
TYP_BANKTextTypical slope of the stream bank
U_BNK_TYPTextMaterial type in the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
UL_BNK_TYPTextLeft - Material type in the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
UR_BNK_TYPTextRight - Material type in the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
L_BNK_TYPTextMaterial type in the lower 2/3 portion of the bank
LL_BNK_TYPTextLeft - Material type in the lower 2/3 portion of the bank
LR_BNK_TYPTextRight - Material type in the lower 2/3 portion of the bank
U_BNK_CONTextConsistency of the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
UL_BNK_CONTextLeft - Consistency of the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
UR_BNK_CONTextRight - Consistency of the upper 1/3 portion of the bank
L_BNK_CONTextConsistency of lower 2/3 portion of the bank
LL_BNK_CONTextLeft - Consistency of lower 2/3 portion of the bank
LR_BNK_CONTextRight - Consistency of lower 2/3 portion of the bank
L_EROS_LENNumberLeft - Average length of eroding banks (ft.)
R_EROS_LENNumberRight - Average length of eroding banks (ft.)
L_EROS_HGTNumberLeft - Average height of eroding banks (ft.)
R_EROS_HGTNumberRight - Average height of eroding banks (ft.)
L_REVT_TYPTextLeft - Type of bank revetment
R_REVT_TYPTextRight - Type of bank revetment
L_REVT_LENNumberLeft - Length of bank with revetments in segment (ft.)
R_REVT_LENNumberRight - Length of bank with revetments in segment (ft.)
L_BNKVEG_DTextLeft - Dominant bank vegetation type
R_BNKVEG_DTextRight - Dominant bank vegetation type
L_BNKVEG_STextLeft - Sub-dominant bank vegetation type
R_BNKVEG_STextRight - Sub-dominant bank vegetation type
MID_CANOPYTextCanopy while standing in the middle of the channel
L_B_CANOPYTextLeft - Category of average percent canopy
R_B_CANOPYTextRight - Category of average percent canopy
P2L_BFWD_DTextLeft - Dominant buffer category of average buffer width (ft.)
P2R_BFWD_DTextRight - Dominant buffer category of average buffer width (ft.)
P2L_BFWD_STextLeft - Sub-dominant buffer category of average buffer width (ft.)
P2R_BFWD_STextRight - Sub-dominant buffer category of average buffer width (ft.)
Buffr0_25LNumberBuffer Width Less Than 25 Feet for Length (Left)
Buffr0_25RNumberBuffer Width Less Than 25 Feet for Length (Right)
L_BUFVEG_DTextLeft - Dominant buffer vegetation type
R_BUFVEG_DTextRight - Dominant buffer vegetation type
L_BUFVEG_STextLeft - Sub-dominant buffer vegetation type
R_BUFVEG_STextRight - Sub-dominant buffer vegetation type
L_CORRDR_DTextLeft - Dominant corridor land use
R_CORRDR_DTextRight - Dominant corridor land use
L_CORRDR_STextLeft - Sub-dominant corridor land use
R_CORRDR_STextRight - Sub-dominant corridor land use
MASS_FAILTextRelative abundance of mass failures
M_FAIL_HGTNumberAverage height of mass failures (ft.)
GULLIESTextRelative abundance of gullies
GULLY_HGTNumberAverage height of gullies (ft.)
SPRINGSTextAbundance of springs and seeps
ADJ_WETLNDTextAbundance of adjacent wetlands
FlowStatusTextFlow Status
DEBJAM_NUMNumberNumber of debris jams
FlowRegTypTextFlow Regulation Type
FlowRegUseTextFlow Regulation Use
IMPOUNDMTSTextImpoundment information
IMPOUN_LOCTextLocation of any impoundments
FlowRegUDSTextUp/Down Stream Flow Reg and Withdrawals
UPSTR_FLOWTextUpstream flow regulation
STORMW_NUMNumberNumber of stormwater inputs to the segment
IsNoChlConNumberIs No Channel Constriction
BVRDAM_NUMNumberNumber of beaver dams in segment
BVRDAM_LENNumberLength of segment affected by beaver dams (ft.)
BAR_MIDNumberNumber of mid-channel bars
BAR_POINTNumberNumber of point bars
BAR_SIDENumberNumber of side bars
BAR_DIAGNLNumberNumber of diagonal bars
BAR_DELTANumberNumber of delta bars
BAR_ISLANDNumberNumber of island bars
FLOOD_CHUTNumberNumber of flood chutes
NECK_CUTOFNumberNumber of neck cut-offs
CHANNL_AVLNumberNumber of channel avulsions
BRAIDINGNumberNumber of braiding
STEEP_RIFLNumberNumber of steep riffles
HEAD_CUTSNumberNumber of head cuts
TRIB_REJUVTextHas there been tributary rejuvenation?
STREAMFORDTextIs there a stream form or animal crossing?
STRAIGHTENTextHas the channel been straightened?
STRGHTLENNumberThe total of straightening length, this Segement.
DREDGINGTextTypes of dredging found
AvailCovernumberAvailable Cover
PoolSubstratenumberPool Substrate
POOL_VARIBNumberRapid habitat assessment pool variability score
SedimentDepositinumberSediment Deposition
ChnFlwStatnumberChannel Flow Status
ChannAlternumberChannel Alteration
ChannSinuonumberChannel Sinuosity
BankStabLnumberBank Stability Left
BankStabRnumberBank Stability Right
BankVegPrLnumberBank Vegetation Protection Left
BankVegPrRnumberBank Vegetation Protection Right
HAB_CONDTNTextRapid habitat assessment condition
STR_GRADNTTextRapid habitat assessment stream gradient type
HAB_LEGSCRNumberLegacy habitat assessment score
HAB_RATINGNumberRapid habitat assessment rating
HAB_SCORENumberHabitat assessment score
GEO_CONTYPTextRapid geomorphic assessment confinement type
DEGRD_SCORNumberRGA degradation score
DEGRD_HISTTextRGA historic degradation
DEGRD_STDTextRGA degradation STD
AGGRD_SCORNumberRGA aggradation score
AGGRD_STDTextRGA aggradation STD
AGGRD_HISTTextRGA historic aggradation
WIDEN_SCORNumberRGA widening score
WIDEN_STDTextRGA Widening Standard
WIDEN_HISTTextRGA widening historic?
PLANF_SCORNumberRGA change in planform score
PLANF_STDTextRGA Widening Channel STD
PLANF_HISTTextRGA change in planform historic?
RGA_RATINGNumberRGA rating
GEO_CONDTNTextRGA condition
CH_EVLMODLTextChannel evolution model
CH_EVLSTAGTextChannel evolution stage
GeoAssCondtextGeomorphic Stream Condition
STR_SENSITTextRGA sensitivity
SGATPID2TextSGAT Phase 2 Project Identifier For GIS