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Otter Creek - Cold River

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Record: 9    Segment ID: M07-    Stream Name: Cold River

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Channel Bed and Planform Changes  
5.1 Bar Types  
  Mid Bar 1
  Point Bar 0
  Side Bar 1
  Diagonal Bar 0
  Delta Bar 0
  Island Bar 0
5.2 Migration Features  
  Flood Chutes 0
  Neck Cutoffs 0
  Channel Avulsions 0
  Braiding 0
5.3 Steep Riffles and Head Cuts  
  Steep Riffles 0
  Head Cuts 0
  Tributary Rejuvenation No
5.4 Stream Ford or Animal Crossing Yes
5.5 Channel Alterations  
  Straightening With Windrowing
  Straightening Length 3,207 ft.
  Dredging Dredging

Residential and encroachment from Cold River Road continue in this reach. Incision has led to entrenchment and a stream type departure from a C riffle-pool to an F plane bed system. Berming, dredging, and bank armoring are present in an attempt to lock the channel in its present location. Floodplain access in this reach has been greatly reduced due to these mangaement activities. The right bank is forested and removal of berms on this bank may be a feasible and beneficial project.