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White River - First Branch

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Record: 23    Segment ID: M13-    Stream Name: First Branch of the White River

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Channel Bed and Planform Changes  
5.1 Bar Types  
  Mid Bar 0
  Point Bar 1
  Side Bar 1
  Diagonal Bar 1
  Delta Bar 0
  Island Bar 0
5.2 Migration Features  
  Flood Chutes 0
  Neck Cutoffs 0
  Channel Avulsions 0
  Braiding 0
5.3 Steep Riffles and Head Cuts  
  Steep Riffles 0
  Head Cuts 0
  Tributary Rejuvenation No
5.4 Stream Ford or Animal Crossing No
5.5 Channel Alterations  
  Straightening Straightening
  Straightening Length 936 ft.
  Dredging None

Soil maps show glaciofluvial parent materials in this segment, alluvial in next segment US; bank conditions appear different in the field (elevated erosion US; also, both segs have been riprapped historically but riprap is more intact in this segment). Excavation DS of Jenkins Rd bridge for pond embankment elevates LB , likely confining moderate flood flows at DS end to some degree but not continuous through segment.