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Battenkill River

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Record: 35    Segment ID: T2.03-    Stream Name: Roaring Branch

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Channel Bed and Planform Changes  
5.1 Bar Types  
  Mid Bar 1
  Point Bar 2
  Side Bar 7
  Diagonal Bar 1
  Delta Bar 0
  Island Bar 0
5.2 Migration Features  
  Flood Chutes 3
  Neck Cutoffs 0
  Channel Avulsions 0
  Braiding 0
5.3 Steep Riffles and Head Cuts  
  Steep Riffles 2
  Head Cuts 0
  Tributary Rejuvenation No
5.4 Stream Ford or Animal Crossing No
5.5 Channel Alterations  
  Straightening None
  Straightening Length 0 ft.
  Dredging None

Downstream-most segment of the reach; existing stream type consistent with reference, with some historic incision. Channel flows along steep RB valley wall where occasional exposures of bedrock provide lateral grade control. Sparse development (Roaring Branch Camps - recreational cabins) is located along the top of the high RB terrace. This camp was constructed c. 1912 (Henry, 1993). Segment exhibits a weak riffle / pool bedform; pools mostly filled, stretches of plane bed. Several recent debris jams have been cut free. Active flood chutes in the downstream end of the segment. A large accumulation of cobbles, gravels is located at the confluence of Warm Bk where the Roaring Branch makes a 90 degree turn to the north. Most of the gravels have been deposited at an elevation well above the Warm Bk and appear to have been derived from the steeper-gradient Roaring Branch.