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Upper Otter Creek

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Record: 5    Segment ID: M21-    Stream Name: Upper Otter Creek

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Channel Bed and Planform Changes  
5.1 Bar Types  
  Mid Bar 0
  Point Bar 0
  Side Bar 0
  Diagonal Bar 0
  Delta Bar 0
  Island Bar 0
5.2 Migration Features  
  Flood Chutes 0
  Neck Cutoffs 0
  Channel Avulsions 0
  Braiding 0
5.3 Steep Riffles and Head Cuts  
  Steep Riffles 0
  Head Cuts 0
  Tributary Rejuvenation No
5.4 Stream Ford or Animal Crossing No
5.5 Channel Alterations  
  Straightening Straightening
  Straightening Length 1,230 ft.
  Dredging None

A very short segment from the Mead Falls and Omya Hydro Dam in Rutland downstream to where the channel changes from a reference "C" to an "E" channel. Channel straightening and armoring along with extensive floodplain filling have caused a stream type departure to an existing "B" type channel.