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West Branch Little River

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Record: 52    Reach ID: M07.T6.01    Stream Name: Sterling brook

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    Data values Metadata
7.1 Bank Erosion/Height   Project Default
  Erosion Length 0.0000000  
  Height 0.000  
  (old) Bank Erosion None  
  (old) Bank Height No Data  
  Impact Low  
7.2 Ice/Debris Jam Potential Project Default
  Impact Not Significant  
7.3 Comments Reference channel width and phase 1 confinement type are uncertain. Throughout upper West Branch, phase 2 channel width was consistently much greater than SGAT generated channel width, possibly due in part to natural reasons such as greater precipitation and slope in West Branch watershed. The valley confinement for M07 T6.01 segment A was calculated to be NW based on a valley width of 160 feet and a phase 2 channel width of 39 feet. Segment B is a bedrock gorge with multiple waterfalls and bedrock grade controls. This upper segment was not walked in its entirety. Therefore, valley confinement for overall reach is estimated to be SC. If the SGAT generated channel width (18.8ft) were used, phase 1 confinement would be much less.