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Tyler Branch

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Record: 65    Reach ID: T2S1.03    Stream Name: Unnamed 1 to T2

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    Data values Metadata
7.1 Bank Erosion/Height   Field obs. along entire reach
  Erosion Length 315.9400024  
  Height 2.320  
  (old) Bank Erosion None  
  (old) Bank Height No Data  
  Impact Low  
7.2 Ice/Debris Jam Potential Bend Field obs. along entire reach
  Impact Low  
7.3 Comments Variable reach: Seg A is a subreach, ~978 ft; typed in Phase 2 as overall B-type stream in a Narrowly Confined valley, but has smaller C- and A-type inclusions, ~3.4 pct slope; Seg B, ~772 ft, borderline C/B type in a semi-confined valley (typed C in Phase 2), ~1.8 pct slope; Seg. C, ~ 988 ft = C3 riffle pool, ~ 1.5 pct slope Valley width of 100 ft used for confinement calculation is an estimate based on average of field measures taken throughout reach in Phase 2 Valley side slopes variable as well: entries are "average" throughout reach