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Record: 51    Reach ID: T3.7S1.06    Stream Name: Whiteman Brook

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    Data values Metadata
7.1 Bank Erosion/Height   Project Default
  Erosion Length 928.3699951  
  Height 6.428  
  (old) Bank Erosion None  
  (old) Bank Height No Data  
  Impact High  
7.2 Ice/Debris Jam Potential Multiple Field obs. along entire reach
  Impact High  
7.3 Comments Channel slope is closer to 1% for this reach based on Phase 2 observations and field slope measurements. The channel is more sinuous that shown on the VHD and the upstream elevation data is likely inaccurate due to the close proximity to the elevated road bed for Rt2. Reach was segmented during Phase 2 assessment. Segment A is a 1,566 ft sub-reach with E4 riffle pool stream type. Segment B is 2,679ft Cb4 riffle pool. Numerous debris jams were observed throughout the reach during Ph2 assessment. Old stone culvert under VAST trail is a major channel constriction and has caused significant deposition upstream. High risk for ice/debris jamming.