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Huntington River

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Record: 40    Reach ID: T16.S10.01    Stream Name: Texas Hill Trib 10

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  HUC 10 Winooski River -- Huntington River to mouth
  HUC 08 Winooski River
  Basin Winooski [08]
  Waterbody ID Huntington River [VT08-10]
1.1 Reach Description North of Texas Hill Road and Bishop Road; north (and upstream) of small headwater tributary on right bank; 1.0 rivermiles upstream (and north) of its confluence with T16.04
1.2 Towns Hinesburg
1.3 Latitude  44.34220
  Longitude -73.03463
  Topo Maps Hinesburg
  Ortho Maps 108204
  RecordStatus A
  ReachesRID 1594