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List Changes To The Record:
Project:Rock River
ReachID: 2
SegmentID: A
in Table: Segments

Date Of ChangeUser Who ChangedField NameNew ValueOld Value
View10/27/2023 1:59:00 PMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View10/27/2023 1:59:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View10/27/2023 1:59:00 PMJoeBStreamFordYesNo
View10/27/2023 1:59:00 PMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber30
View10/27/2023 1:58:00 PMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View10/27/2023 1:58:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View10/27/2023 1:54:00 PMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View10/27/2023 1:54:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View10/27/2023 1:50:00 PMJoeBStreamFordNoYes
View10/27/2023 1:50:00 PMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber03
View10/27/2023 1:50:00 PMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View10/27/2023 1:50:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View10/26/2023 12:16:00 PMJoeBRifflesTypeNot Applicable
View10/26/2023 12:16:00 PMJoeBSiltClayPresentYes
View10/26/2023 12:09:00 PMJoeBAdjustmentNarrativeVHD centerline mapping is incorrect, stream closely follows the road from the mouth to the Saint Armand Road crossing. The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing dune ripple features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform. The lower portion of the segment ~650ft up from mouth had incised C type geometry with some access to the large forested floodplain to the south.VHD centerline mapping is incorrect, stream closely follows the road from the mouth to the Saint Armand Road crossing. The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform. The lower portion of the segment ~650ft up from mouth had incised C type geometry with some access to the large forested floodplain to the south.
View10/26/2023 12:08:00 PMJoeBSegmentationGrade Controls
View10/26/2023 12:08:00 PMJoeBSegmentationCommentShort section of upper reach is a steep bedrock waterfall.
View1/17/2023 2:34:00 PMJoeBAdjustmentNarrativeVHD centerline mapping is incorrect, stream closely follows the road from the mouth to the Saint Armand Road crossing. The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform. The lower portion of the segment ~650ft up from mouth had incised C type geometry with some access to the large forested floodplain to the south.VHD centerline mapping is incorrect, stream closely follows the road from the mouth to the Saint Armand Road crossing. The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform.
View1/17/2023 12:45:00 PMJoeBSinuosityTypeLow
View1/12/2023 12:11:00 PMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View1/12/2023 12:11:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View1/12/2023 12:11:00 PMJoeBStreamFordYesNo
View1/12/2023 12:11:00 PMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber30
View1/12/2023 12:10:00 PMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View1/12/2023 12:10:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View1/12/2023 12:09:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View1/12/2023 12:09:00 PMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View1/12/2023 12:08:00 PMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View1/12/2023 12:08:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View1/12/2023 12:04:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View1/12/2023 12:04:00 PMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View1/12/2023 12:03:00 PMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View1/12/2023 12:03:00 PMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View1/12/2023 11:53:00 AMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View1/12/2023 11:53:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View1/12/2023 11:50:00 AMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View1/12/2023 11:50:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View1/12/2023 11:46:00 AMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View1/12/2023 11:46:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View1/12/2023 11:42:00 AMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber03
View1/12/2023 11:42:00 AMJoeBGulliesLength0
View1/12/2023 11:42:00 AMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View1/12/2023 11:42:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View1/12/2023 11:42:00 AMJoeBStreamFordNoYes
View1/6/2023 12:03:00 PMJoeBBarSideNumber1
View12/1/2022 1:24:00 PMJoeBAdjustmentNarrativeVHD centerline mapping is incorrect, stream closely follows the road from the mouth to the Saint Armand Road crossing. The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform.The reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform.
View12/1/2022 1:23:00 PMJoeBBridgeCulvertAssessmentYes
View11/14/2022 4:14:00 PMJoeBrhaDepartureTypePlane Bed
View11/14/2022 11:51:00 AMJoeBChannelEvolutionModelF
View11/14/2022 11:51:00 AMJoeBChannelEvolutionStageII
View11/14/2022 11:51:00 AMJoeBGeoAssessConditionPoor
View11/14/2022 11:51:00 AMJoeBGeoAssessSensitivityExtreme
View11/14/2022 11:51:00 AMJoeBAdjustmentNarrativeThe reach has been historically straightened leading to ongoing incision with a departure from E to F type. Fine sediment has accumulated in the channel replacing riffle/pool features with a plane bed. Minor erosion was observed, however we did not see evidence that the channel was actively widening or attempting to adjust planform.
View11/14/2022 11:41:00 AMJoeBGeoAssessConfinementUnconfined
View6/17/2022 9:34:00 AMJoeBrhaStreamTypeRiffle-Pool
View5/2/2022 1:11:00 PMJoeBConfinementTypeVB
View5/2/2022 1:11:00 PMJoeBHumanChangedWidthYes
View5/2/2022 1:11:00 PMJoeBInRockGorgeNo
View5/2/2022 1:11:00 PMJoeBValleyWidth200
View5/2/2022 1:11:00 PMJoeBValleyWidthDeterminationMeasured
View4/29/2022 11:11:00 AMJoeBAdjacentWetlandMinimal
View4/29/2022 11:11:00 AMJoeBFlowStatusLow
View4/29/2022 11:11:00 AMJoeBSpringSeepAbundant
View4/29/2022 11:10:00 AMJoeBChannelCanopyOpen
View4/29/2022 11:10:00 AMJoeBGulliesLength0
View4/29/2022 11:10:00 AMJoeBTypicalBankSlopeModerate
View4/26/2022 9:10:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View4/26/2022 9:10:00 AMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View4/26/2022 9:10:00 AMJoeBStreamFordYesNo
View4/26/2022 9:10:00 AMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber30
View4/26/2022 9:09:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength01165.11
View4/26/2022 9:09:00 AMJoeBStraighteningNoneStraightening
View4/26/2022 9:08:00 AMJoeBStraighteningLength1165.110
View4/26/2022 9:08:00 AMJoeBStraighteningStraighteningNone
View4/26/2022 9:08:00 AMJoeBFlowRegUpDownStreamNone
View4/26/2022 9:08:00 AMJoeBFlowRegTypeNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBIsQC2Passed1614835393541093569
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBAlluvialFanNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBBeaverDamAffectedLength0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBBeaverDamsNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBBraidingNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBChannelAvulsionsNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBDebrisJamsNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBDredgingNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBFloodChutesNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBGulliesNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBGulliesLength0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBGulliesNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBHeadCutsNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBMassFailuresNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBMassFailuresNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBNeckCutoffsNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBSteepRifflesNumber0
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBStraighteningNone
View4/26/2022 9:07:00 AMJoeBStreamFordNo
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBWoodyDebrisNumber5
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBWereChannelDimensionsSignificantlyChangedByMajorFlooding 
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBWereChannelDimensionsSignificantlyChangedByHumansInReponseToMajorFlooding 
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBIsBarParticleNotApplicable0 
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBIsBarBedParticleNotEvaluated0 
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBFloodproneWidth9
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBFloodAffectedCrossSectionCommentsNULL
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBDetritusPercent0
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialSilt
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBBedformPlane Bed
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBBankfullWidth6.2
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBStreamTypeF
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBRecentlyAbandonedFloodplain4.5
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBMeanDepth1.7
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBMaximumDepth2.1
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBIsRiffleSpacingApplicable 
View4/5/2022 1:16:00 PMJoeBIsBedParticleNotApplicable0