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List Changes To The Record:
Project:Rock River   ReachID: M6S1.01
in Table: Reaches

Date Of ChangeUser Who ChangedField NameNew ValueOld Value
View10/26/2023 5:11:00 PMJoeBChannelWidth10.0000000000000
View10/26/2023 5:11:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopeNone
View10/26/2023 5:10:00 PMJoeBCommentsApparent vehicle ford near upstream end; crossing structure (5.2) at upstream extreme may also be ford (95 ortho). From review of 1974 aerials and 1987 topo the mid portions of this reach appear to have been straightened / channelized post 1980s and pre- The reach was segmented 4 times in 2006, based on straightening, corridor land use, wetland, and drainage culverts.Apparent vehicle ford near upstream end; crossing structure (5.2) at upstream extreme may also be ford (95 ortho). From review of 1974 aerials and 1987 topo the mid portions of this reach appear to have been straightened / channelized post 1980s and pre-
View10/26/2023 5:06:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialSandGravel
View10/26/2023 5:06:00 PMJoeBConfinementTypeBD
View10/26/2023 5:06:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopec
View4/5/2022 2:50:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialGravelSand