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List Changes To The Record:
Project:Rock River   ReachID: M5S4.01
in Table: Reaches

Date Of ChangeUser Who ChangedField NameNew ValueOld Value
View10/26/2023 4:26:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopeNone
View10/26/2023 4:26:00 PMJoeBChannelWidth9.0000000000000
View10/26/2023 4:25:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopec
View10/26/2023 4:25:00 PMJoeBConfinementTypeBD
View10/26/2023 4:25:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialSiltGravel
View10/26/2023 4:22:00 PMJoeBCommentsApparent vehicle ford upstream end. Reach was segmented for 2006 study based on reference stream type (C for A) E for the rest, and based on land use.Apparent vehicle ford upstream end.
View4/5/2022 2:30:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialGravelSand