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List Changes To The Record:
Project:Rock River   ReachID: M1S1.03
in Table: Reaches

Date Of ChangeUser Who ChangedField NameNew ValueOld Value
View10/26/2023 2:36:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialSandGravel
View10/26/2023 2:34:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopeNone
View10/26/2023 2:34:00 PMJoeBChannelWidth12.0000000000000
View10/26/2023 2:23:00 PMJoeBCommentsMigration (6.4) from review of 1995 orthos and 1987 topo. Bridge crossing possible at downstream end - difficult to see given size of channel and resolution of 1:5000 orthophotograph. The reach was segmented in Phase 2 due to increased incision in the lower segment.Migration (6.4) from review of 1995 orthos and 1987 topo. Bridge crossing possible at downstream end - difficult to see given size of channel and resolution of 1:5000 orthophotograph
View12/1/2022 1:31:00 PMJoeBConfinementTypeVB
View12/1/2022 1:31:00 PMJoeBSubclassSlopec
View4/5/2022 2:00:00 PMJoeBBedMaterialGravelSand