Spills List
Site Details
Facility NameCavendish City Garage
Address1932 Main Street
Date Reported04-02-2023
Time Reported1823
Spill ManagerWilliam Sisson
Nature of IncidentHose for siphoning fuel left on ground
Product ReleasedDiesel
Other Product Released (If Applicable) 
Unit of MeasureGallons
CommentsA person was stealing fuel from the town garage. They got scared off and left the hose on the ground causing spill. Spill impacted parking area and soils behind the tank. The spill migrated down gradient into a wetland area. Spill was contained in a canal that is no longer used. Spill did not enter Black River. Approximately 325 gallons remained in the 2000 gallon tank after the spill. An unknown quantity of fuel was in the tank before the spill occured.
Actions TakenFire department initially responded with absorbents. Contractor began cleanup on 4/3/2023. Contractor used absorbents to soak up free liquid and excavated grossly contaminated soils. Booms are setup at various points along canal and where water could potentially enter the Black River. Cleanup and monitoring will continue. Spill Manager visited site on 4/4/2023 to confirm release is contained and river was not impacted. The suspected theft has been apprehended by Vermont State Police. At this point, the spill has been stabilized. Additional site checks need to be scheduled to change out and containerize spent absorbents. USE has recommended to the Town that an environmental consultant be retained to fully characterize the impacts to soil and groundwater below the site.
Date Closed07-06-2023
DEC Contact Email Addresswilliam.sisson@vermont.gov
Responsible PartyUnknown
Direct URLhttps://anrweb.vt.gov/DEC/ERT/Spills.aspx?rpt=WMD152&yr=2023