Advisory Committee on Mercury Pollution
Thirteenth Meeting: Wednesday January 24, 2000
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Location: Conference Room, Environmental Assistance Division
Laundry Building, Waterbury State Complex, Waterbury, Vermont
Members Present:
Tim Scherbatskoy, University of Vermont (by telephone conference)
Michael Bender, Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc. (by telephone conference)
Richard Phillips, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Ric Erdheim, National Electrical Manufacturers Association (by telephone conference)
Guests Present:
Theresa Feeley, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Karen Knaebel,Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Environmental Assistance
The Committee members and interested parties gathered in the Conference Room, Environmental Assistance Division, Laundry Building,
Waterbury State Complex, Waterbury, Vermont and the meeting was called to order by Tim Scherbatskoy.
Agenda Item 1-
Review and discuss draft letter to NEWMOA
Committee members received a copy of the draft letter at the previous meeting. Tim Scherbatskoy and Hollie Shaner e-mailed comments
to Michael Bender.
- Committee members agreed that most members were comfortable with the letter.
- Ric Erdheim expressed that he would not be comfortable to sign the letter. One sentence would be added to the letter to express how the Committee
- Rich Phillips referenced the second paragraph on the second page and suggested that the wording "mercury and other municipal hazardous
substances" be removed and changed to "mercury substances and wastes. The Committee agreed upon the change.
- Rich Phillips also commented on the last sentence of the second paragraph on the second page suggesting to remove the wording "implemented
by manufacturers rather than taxpayer-funded government programs" and replaced by the wording "which manufacturers are responsible
to insure implementation of" or some similar wording. The Committee on the recommended change.
- Rich Phillips suggested that a change be made to the last paragraph of the letter in the second sentence after "less difficult issues
and" to correct the remainder of the sentence to read "and/or treats manufacturers differently without an objective basis." The
Committee agreed on the changes.
- Changes are to be drafted by Rich Phillips and e-mailed on to Tim Scherbatskoy and Michael Bender for review.
- Final document will be e-mailed to Committee members January 24, 2000 for reply as to their willingness to sign off on the letter by January
25, 2000.
- The Committee agreed that the letter would be signed by the Chairs of the Committee.
- An electronic version would be taken to the NEWMOA meeting by Rich Phillips on January 26, 2000 and hand delivered.
Agenda Item 2-
Discuss coordination for presentation at card room and possible press conference for release of January 2000 report.
- The Committee agreed that a cover letter should be drafted to accompany the report. A draft will be composed by the Agency. Tim Scherbatskoy
will supply comments to be included in the cover letter.
- Cover letter should include statutory charge of the Committee, reason for report, how document is organized
Agenda Item 3-
Other items not on the agenda.
A letter was distributed by Michael Bender via e-mail to all members of the Committee for review and comment. Although previous discussion
of the letter only included mention for funding of the agricultural dairy manometer project, Mr. Bender took the liberty of drafting into the letter
with the Committees review, mention of funding for the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative.
- The Committee agreed that mention should be made for funding of the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative.
- In first paragraph remove last sentence, "Our report is attached." The Committee agreed that this letter will stand alone and a
separate cover letter be written to submit with the Committees 2000 report.
- Letter would be distributed to the Chairs of the House and Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committees, Chairs of the House and Senate
Appropriations Committees, Chairs of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees, and the Governor.
- Copies of the letter would go to the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation
and the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, Food & Markets.
- Eliminate the two sentences in second paragraph which read: "It has also helped provide the foundation for the development of the Northeast
States 1998 Mercury Study. Based on this sound scientific study, aggressive policy goals and recommendations to reduce mercury levels have been
developed not only for Vermont, but for the northeast and eastern Canada as well." Add in their place, "These data are considered
important and are used by other agencies in the region for assessing the extent of atmospheric mercury contamination."
- Add a sentence to the first paragraph indicating that all Committee members have discussed these issues and are, unanimously, in strong support
of the topics.
- Rich Phillips is to rewrite letter using comments of Committee by January 25, 2000.
- Letter will be set up with all Committee members and affiliations listed and signed by co-chairs in behalf of the Committee.
- Tim Sherbatskoy will contact Rich Phillips to sign the document in Waterbury. Determination will be made for availability of Hollie Shaner
to sign and upon her approval document will either be signed in her behalf or by some other manner with her instruction.
Agenda Item 4-
Set date and agenda for next meeting
The next meeting of the Advisory Committee on Mercury Pollution is to be held on Thursday February 10, 2000 - 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Vermont State House, Ethan Allen Room, 115 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont.