Master Angler Entry

Fill out the form completely to enter your Vermont Master Angler Program catch. Be sure you've read the rules and that your catch meets the minimum qualifying length. You must include one image of the fish. See rules for details on photo requirements. Entries for 2025 will be accepted through January 15, 2026.
Fields marked with * are required.

I need to look up my ConservationID.    (opens in another window)

Angler Information

(Clicking the search icon after entering your Conservation ID attempts to autofill angler information based on Conservation ID)
Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
City, State, Zip *
Email Address *
License Number *

Fish Information

Fish Species *
Length & Girth *
Note: Please enter length and girth as a decimal, not as a fraction
Catch Date & Time *
Waterbody *

Town *
County *
Disposal * Please select one: *

Angling Technique Information

Angling Type * Please select one: *

Technique * Please select one: *

Requesting a Certificate?

Angler must submit a photograph of the fish that shows a clear side view of the entire fish, including the tail. Photos that are clearly intended to exaggerate the size of the fish will not be accepted. If the angler is holding the fish, the angler’s arms should not be extended, and some of the angler’s fingers should be visible. Another alternative is to photograph the fish lying on its side next to a measuring tape or ruler. NOTE: The maximum photo size is 16MB.

At this time, we are unable to accept photos in the HEIC/HEIF format from iOS devices. Please convert the image to the JPEG or PNG format to submit.

Select Fish Photo *