Vermont Fish & Wildlife Fishing Regulations
Cow Mountain Pond
TownCountyAccessAquatic NuisanceMotors AllowedOther RestrictionsAcresBait Zone
Granby Essex Municipal; foot or carry in   10No Fish as Bait
General Regulations - Cow Mountain Pond
SpeciesMinimum LengthDaily LimitLegal MethodsOpen Seasons for Harvest
All SpeciesNANAClosed to All FishingClosed to All Fishing - Nov 1 to the Friday before the Second Saturday in April
Bait   Use of fish (alive or dead) as bait is prohibited 
American ShadNA0Catch and Release Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Anadromous Atlantic SalmonNA0NoneNo open season
Bowfin, Redhorse, GarNANo more than 5 of any one speciesOpen-water fishing, Spear gun, Bow and crossbow all with line attached2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow TroutNATotal of Brook + Brown + Rainbow = no more than 6Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Carp, Suckers (Longnose and White) , Cull fishNANo LimitOpen-water fishing, Spear gun, Bow and crossbow all with line attached2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Crappie8"25Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Lake SturgeonNA0No fishingNo open season
Lake trout and Landlocked Atlantic salmon18" Lake trout, 17" Landlocked Atlantic SalmonTotal of lake trout + landlocked salmon = no more than 2Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass10"Total of largemouth + smallmouth = no more than 5Open-water fishing2nd Sat in June to Oct 31
MuskellungeNA0Catch and release with artifical lures and flies only2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Northern Pike20"5Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Rainbow SmeltNoneNo LimitOpen-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
SaugerNA0NoneNo open season
Walleye18"3Open-water fishing1st Sat in May to Oct 31
White PerchNANo LimitOpen-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Rock BassNANo LimitOpen-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Bluegill and PumpkinseedNANo LimitOpen-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31
Yellow PerchNone50Open-water fishing2nd Sat in April to Oct. 31


This application is a guidance document.  The Vermont fishing regulations may be found at:  

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