General Regulations - Saxtons River
Species | Minimum Length | Daily Limit | Legal Methods | Open Seasons for Harvest |
American Shad | | 0 | Catch and Release Only | |
Anadromous Atlantic Salmon | NA | NA | No open season for Atlantic Salmon until declared by the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Condition | NA |
Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout | | Through open water the daily limit is 5 fish or 5 pounds (whichever limit is first reached), except the daily limit is 1 fish from the Samuel Moore Dam downstream to the Rte. 18 bridge. Through the ice the daily limit is 2 fish, except the daily limit is | | Jan 1 to Oct 15 |
Black Bass (Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass) | Only one bass may be greater than 16 inches. | 2 | | Jan 1 to March 31 |
Black Bass (Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass) | NA | 2 | | April 1 to May 14 and June 16 to June 30 |
Black Bass (Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass) | NA | all black bass shall be immediately released unharmed, at the site of catch, to the waters from which taken. | Artificial lures and flies | Between May 15 and June 15 |
Black Bass (Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass) | NA | 5 | | July 1 through December 31 |
Carp | NA | NA | May be taken by any legal method and by bow and arrow with cord attached, in that part of the river beginning at the point on the northern boundary of Grafton County in New Hampshire which is directly opposite the town of Concord, Vermont, south to the Ma | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |
Horned Pout | NA | 25 | NA | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |
Northern Pike | Minimum total length 28 inches. | 1 | NA | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |
Pickerel | NA | 10 | NA | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |
Walleye | No person shall take walleye 16 to 18 inches | The daily limit is 4 fish, of which only 1 can be larger than 18 inches. | NA | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |
River Herring (alewife and blueback herring) | NA | 0 | NA | Closed to Taking |
Other Species of Fish | NA | The daily limit for black crappie, white perch, yellow perch and sunfish is 25 fish for each species. The daily aggregate possession limit is 50 fish for all listed species, including horned pout. | NA | Open to fishing all year, except no fishing Oct. 16–Dec. 31 from the confluence of the Upper Ammonoosuc River and the Connecticut River in Northumberland, N.H., to the northern boundary of the town of Canaan, VT |