Antlerless Lottery Winners for 2024



  • Winners will need to reprint their license to receive their antlerless permit. Orange “post card” permits will not be sent in regular mail like in the past. Please check here for information on printing your permit.
  • An antlerless permit holder MUST purchase a hunting license and a muzzleloader license in order to legally use the their antlerless permit UNLESS they are covered under the landowner exception.
  • If you didn't win a permit, or you have filled your permit, but haven't reached your four-deer limit, you're eligible to get a permit in WMUs with unallocated antlerless deer muzzleloader permits. More information will be available later.

Please enter a Last Name OR select a WMU to search the Antlerless Lottery results for a specific person/WMU. You can also choose whether you want to select from either 'All Winners' or 'Land Owners Only'. Then click [Search].

If you did not win through the lottery process, there may be unallocated permits available. Please check our homepage frequently for updates!
For further information, please contact the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Licensing office at (802) 828-1190 or email Cheri Waters.