State of Vermont - Agency of Natural Resouces
Use of Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD)

Please fill out the fields below and click the [Submit] button to obtain a user pass for the use of Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) on Agency of Natural Resources Land

Email Address:  
Date of Birth:  
Duration of pass:  

What classes of OPDMDs will you be using:

Region (select all that apply)

Please tell us some trails/areas that you will be accessing and what kind of activities you will engage in so that we can better target our efforts to increase accessibility:

Please note that all OPDMD use is restricted to 3 mph which is the average pedestrian walking speed. This is in order to provide a safe environment for all users.

To view the full Agency of Natural Resources policy on OPDMDs please see

By clicking the [Submit] button, you hereby affirm that you have a mobility disability.