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Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Advisory Committee on Mercury Pollution

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Advisory Committee on Mercury Pollution

Meeting #59: Monday, January 3, 2005
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Location: Vermont Dept. of Health, Conference Room 3B, 3rd Floor,

108 Cherry Street, Burlington, Vermont


Members Present:

Bill Bress, Vermont Department of Health

Neil Kamman, Agency of Natural Resources, Water Quality Division

Senator Virginia Lyons, Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee

Rich Phillips, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Environmental Assistance

Guests Present:

Allison Crowley-DeMag, New England Public Affairs Group

Jennifer Holliday, Chittenden Solid Waste Management District

Gary Gulka, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Environmental Assistance

Karen Knaebel, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Environmental Assistance


The Committee members and interested parties gathered in Conference Room 3B of the Vermont Department of Health, in Burlington, Vermont.  Rich Phillips called the meeting to order.

Agenda Item 1-

Accept minutes of the December 16, 2004 meeting and possible changes to today’s agenda

Clarification in #13 in Agenda Item #2 – comment should identify the imbalance in the committee given the number of government members on the Committee.

No other changes – minutes accepted.


Agenda Item 2-

Review and discuss draft legislation and legislative recommendations that will be included in the annual report and review draft report.

The Committee reviewed specific sections of the legislation and report and agreed to finalize the report and legislation via e-mail.  With respect to review of the draft legislation and information for the annual report, the Committee provided the following comments.


  • Suggestion to add in first section after number 10 a new number 11 to identify the New England Governors’ interim goal for 2003 regarding dental. Michael Bender will obtain language from NE Governors’ 2003 Resolution to be incorporated into draft.

  • Suggestion to add into number 14 the study conducted in the state of Maine regarding button cell batteries.

  • Suggestion to include information in report that identifies legislation passed in other states.


  • Suggestion to add definition for dairy manometers – Committee agreed that there was no need for further clarification in definitions.

Multistate Clearinghouse

  • Question as to whether there was a need for appropriations for this section. Response- No, it is now being funding from solid waste management assistance funds at about $2,500. This would probably double if this legislation passed but it would still be paid for out of the same funding source.


  • Committee agreed to this provision as written as it coordinates with other states that currently have the same requirements.

Restrictions on the Sale and Use of Certain Mercury-Added Products

  • Discussion of the novelty ban restriction regarding lamps and button cell batteries.  Since lamps cannot be replaced, the Committee felt that exclusion should be included in the legislation.

  • Concern regarding the disposal of novelty items that are not restricted in the landfill disposal in this legislation.

  • Committee agreed that they did not want to exempt button cell batteries from the novelty ban but to leave the exemption in novelties for lamps.  Michael Bender advised that he was apposed to any exemptions in the novelty section.

  • Committee agreed to include neon signs as a restricted item with availability for exemption.

  • Question as to whether “neon” needed to be defined.  Committee agreed that by identifying the lamp as “mercury-added” neon lamp, this would be sufficient detail without the need for a definition.

Discarded Mercury-Added Products

  • Concern that “knowingly” provides a potential loophole- no predetermination as to definition of “knowingly.”

  • Committee agreed to include a study on removal of components from vehicles, appliances and other types of mercury-added products.

  • Committee agreed that the bill should be dealing with electronic waste and tie disposal to product stewardship; however, there is no way to include this in the legislation at this point.

  • Suggestion to include the issue of the removal of components and electronic waste in the Committee’s work plan to make recommendations in next year’s report.

Mercury-Added Products Used in Dental Procedures

  • Michael Bender distributed draft language to the Committee and mirrored the efforts of Maine.  Mr. Bender asked the Committee to support some kind of brochure and poster to be distributed in Vermont dental offices.  Suggested that VDH develop a brochure and poster and require dentists to post by a certain date.

  • Reminder to Committee that the VDH letter identified their support for including a dental brochure in dentist offices.  Suggestion to include this information in the ACMP report.

  • Bill Bress did not feel that VDH would be interested in the actual development of the poster and brochure.

Mercury Planning

  • Question if Vermont could coordinate with other states in the region. Response- Neil Kamman advised the Committee that this is what Vermont needs to do in Vermont. It could be done broadly but Mr. Kamman argued that this be kept Vermont specific. Vermont needs this level of sampling to get the mercury levels and impact over time.


Landfill Disposal Requirements

  • Committee agreed to leave section to identify “labeled” products are banned prior to July 1, 2007 but to include all mercury-added products after that date.

Agenda Item 3-

Set date and agenda for next meeting

The next meeting will be determined via e-mail and will be set to draft the committee’s work plan for the coming year.

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