Vermont Watershed Management in DEC at ANR

Newly Reported Overflow
Facility Name:
Facility Number:
Submission Number: HQ6-RQZE-Q5J5X
Current Status: Deemed Complete
SubVersionID: dd44552a-e32a-44da-84ed-6b5e23649f07
Location: Wastewater Treatment Facility - 212 Pleasant Street Extension - Ludlow, VT
Caller Name And Title: joseph gaudiana chief operator
Incident Start Date: 09/18/2024
Incident End Date: 09/19/2024
Contact Name And Title For Public: Branden McNamara - Town Manager
Public Contact Phone Number: 802-228-2842
Incident Start Time: 09:45 am
Incident End Time: 09:45 am
Estimated Volume: 80000
Nature Of Incident: Discharged treated and partially disinfected effluent
Cause Of Discharge: Chem Feed Problem
Type Of Obstruction: crack in chlorine chemical feed line coupling caused a leak and air bubbles
Point Of Discharge: WWTF outfall
Corrective Action Taken: chemical feed malfunction. upon being notified of the high e-coli count we immediately took the indoor chlorine contact tank that we were using off line and switched over to the cleaned outdoor chlorine contact tank. upon investigation we found a leak in one of our chlorine chemical feed line couplings and repaired that. we changed the head on the chlorine chemical feed pump and checked the discharge volume for accuracy and it is accurate. we flushed the chlorine chemical feed line with carrier water. as an effective and temporary solution, we are currently running a chlorine chemical feed line over land so we can physically see the chlorine dripping into the effluent above the mixer in the chlorine contact tank. we plan to remedy the issue with a permanent fix over the next day or two.
Waterbody Impacted: Black River
Description Of Incident: chemical feed malfunction caused a drop in chlorine injection dosage to the chlorine contact tank final effluent. the sewage had been treated but the final effluent was not fully chlorinated which caused an elevated e-coli count.