Vermont Watershed Management in DEC at ANR

Newly Reported Overflow
Facility Name:
Facility Number:
Submission Number: HPR-V7VW-ETWFV
Current Status: Deemed Complete
SubVersionID: cfd61e1e-1f24-4da4-bcbd-ba747fdb2274
Location: WWTP
Caller Name And Title: Karson McMahon Chief Operator
Incident Start Date: 02/08/2023
Incident End Date: 02/27/2023
Contact Name And Title For Public: Karson McMahon
Public Contact Phone Number: 8029884787
Incident Start Time: 12:00 am
Incident End Time: 12:00 am
Estimated Volume: 500,000 to 1,000,000 gallons
Nature Of Incident: Discharged treated and partially disinfected effluent
Cause Of Discharge: Unknown
Type Of Obstruction:
Point Of Discharge: WWTF outfall
Corrective Action Taken: resampled with result of <1
Waterbody Impacted: Missisquio
Description Of Incident: Monthly sample was sent in 2-8-23.The TRC value was 0.56 result came back as >2420 MPN/100ml