Vermont Watershed Management in DEC at ANR

Newly Reported Overflow
Facility Name:
Facility Number:
Submission Number: HPE-XJB8-XEJ3G
Current Status: Deemed Complete
SubVersionID: 7383e509-0c8f-4bf1-b0bf-3152557a347c
Location: Bartlett Bay Facility
Caller Name And Title: Robert Fischer Water Quality Superintendent
Incident Start Date: 1/22/2022
Incident End Date: 1/22/2022
Contact Name And Title For Public: Robert Fischer Water Quality Superintendent
Public Contact Phone Number: 18026587964
Incident Start Time: 03:30 am
Incident End Time: 04:00 am
Estimated Volume: 1,000 to 10,000 gallons
Nature Of Incident: Discharged treated and undisinfected effluent
Cause Of Discharge: Power Outage
Type Of Obstruction:
Point Of Discharge: WWTF outfall
Corrective Action Taken: Generator manually started. GMP restored main power approximately one hour later
Waterbody Impacted: Lake Champlain
Description Of Incident: Bartlett Bay Facility lost power. Transfer switch did not operate correctly. Flow from facility stopped but some fully treated effluent probably left facility by gravity until flow stopped with UV units off. Estimated maximum amount 5000 gallons. Upon arrival staff started generator. Transfer switch operating correctly now but is from 1999 upgrade and facility currently undergoing upgrade. Unit to be replaced.