Vermont Watershed Management in DEC at ANR

Newly Reported Overflow
Facility Name:
Facility Number:
Submission Number: HPB-9BZ9-VTVGR
Current Status: Deemed Complete
SubVersionID: ad410f51-f063-4862-be95-3bf35280b3b9
Location: WWTF
Caller Name And Title: Christopher Hayes
Incident Start Date: 8/18/2021
Incident End Date:
Contact Name And Title For Public: Christopher Hayes
Public Contact Phone Number: 802-793-9429
Incident Start Time: 09:30 pm
Incident End Time:
Estimated Volume: 10,000 to 100,000 gallons
Nature Of Incident: Discharged partially treated disinfected effluent
Cause Of Discharge: Mechanical Failure
Type Of Obstruction:
Point Of Discharge: WWTF outfall
Corrective Action Taken: We are still trying to get new parts for the very old equipment and having difficulty locating vendors who supply such specialty parts.
Waterbody Impacted: Ottauquechee River
Description Of Incident: This form asks for a Start and finish. It does not allow you to keep an ongoing incident "open". Tanker truck scheduling and their ability to maintain the SET schedule is beyond our control.