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Facility Name: Wilmington    
Caller Name And Title: John Lazelle, Chief Operator    
Municipality: Wilmington    
Location (street or site): 21 South Main Street    
Incident Start Date: 06/11/2015    
Incident End Date: 06/11/2015    
Incident Start End Times: 12:00 N - 3:30 PM    
Estimated Duration Of Event: 3.5 hours    
Nature Of Incident: Discharged untreated sewage    
Estimated Volume (gallons): 10000    
Cause Of Discharge: Obstruction/Blockage    
Type Of Obstruction: possibly grease    
Point Of Discharge: Manhole    
Corrective Action Taken: The operators used the sewer jetter and cleared the blockage in the sewer line by 3:30 p.m.    
Waterbody Impacted: Beaver Brook    
Contact Name And Title For Public: John Lazelle, Chief Operator    
Call Date: 06/12/2015    
WW Staff Called: Liz Dickson    
Type Of Notification: E-Mail    
Public Overflow Report For Web: Y    
Description Of Incident: A partial blockage of the sewer line resulted in sewage seeping from Manhole #16. The volume of untreated sewage was estimated to be 7,500 - 10,000 gallons.    
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