Facility Name:
Caller Name And Title:
Christopher Cox - Chief Operator
City of Montpelier
Location (street or site):
CSO 003 - Bailey Ave
Incident Start Date:
Incident End Date:
Incident Start End Times:
08:15 am to 09:10 am
Estimated Duration Of Event:
Nature Of Incident:
Discharged untreated sewage
Estimated Volume (gallons):
Cause Of Discharge:
Type Of Obstruction:
rocks and other debris
Point Of Discharge:
Combined sewer overflow structure
Corrective Action Taken:
The W/S department were working on clearing the blockage when the overflow occurred. They were able to stop the overflow quickly (within an hour).
Waterbody Impacted:
Winooski River
Contact Name And Title For Public:
Kurt Motyka - Public Works Director
Call Date:
WW Staff Called:
Type Of Notification:
Public Overflow Report For Web:
Description Of Incident:
The blockage and overflow event was caused by rocks and other debris. Last week, the W/S department replaced a section of sewer line above the CSO 003 structure. The sewer line repair work caused rocks and other debris to form a blockage downstream of the CSO 003 Structure eventually causing an overflow.
nForm Submission Number: