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Facility Name: Shelburne 2 (Harbor Rd)    
Caller Name And Title: Chris Robinson, Water Quality Superintendent    
Municipality: Shelburne    
Location (street or site): WWTF#2    
Incident Start Date: 07/11/2024    
Incident End Date: 07/11/2024    
Incident Start End Times: 01:00 am to 02:30 am    
Estimated Duration Of Event:    
Nature Of Incident: Discharged partly treated undisinfected effluent    
Estimated Volume (gallons): 8000    
Cause Of Discharge: High Flows    
Type Of Obstruction:    
Point Of Discharge: Aeration tankage    
Corrective Action Taken: Preventative measures were put in place prior to the storm but were insufficient due to the amount of rain in a short period of time. The operators manually took control of the systems programmed operation until the basins began cycling in a timely manner. Clean up will take place today and tomorrow.    
Waterbody Impacted: McCabe's Brook    
Contact Name And Title For Public: Chris Robinson, Water Quality Superintendent    
Call Date:    
WW Staff Called:    
Type Of Notification: nForms    
Public Overflow Report For Web: Y    
Description Of Incident: The facility was inundated with excessive flows that caused solids to be lost from the SBR basins. These solids overflowed out of a recirculation manhole. Surface stormwater carried the overflow to McCabe's Brook. It appears that the solids did not reach the brook and settled out on the lawn at least 30 yards from the brook.    
nForm Submission Number: HQ5-1M3J-14DC5