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Facility Name: Shelburne 2 (Harbor Rd)    
Caller Name And Title: Chris Robinson, Shelburne Water Quality Superintendent    
Municipality: Shelburne    
Location (street or site): WWTF #2 (Harbor Road)    
Incident Start Date: 07/29/2015    
Incident End Date: 07/30/2015    
Incident Start End Times: About 5:45 pm and 6:30 am    
Estimated Duration Of Event:    
Nature Of Incident: Discharged untreated sewage    
Estimated Volume (gallons): 95000    
Cause Of Discharge: Power Outage    
Type Of Obstruction:    
Point Of Discharge: Other    
Corrective Action Taken: The main breaker and other breakers were immediately reset which reestablished electical service to the WWTF and allowed the operators to return WWTF #2 to full operational status at about 6:30 am on 7/30/2015.    
Waterbody Impacted: Macabe's Brook    
Contact Name And Title For Public: Chris Robinson, Shelburne Water Quality Superintendent    
Call Date: 07/30/2015    
WW Staff Called: Jeff Fehrs    
Type Of Notification: Phone    
Public Overflow Report For Web: Y    
Description Of Incident: WWTF #2 experienced a total power outage believed to have been caused by a severe electrical storm during the early evening on 7/29/2015. Initially the main electric circuit breaker tripped causing the emergency generator to begin operation. The generator's circuit breaker then tripped meaning no electrical power was supplied to the WWTF. Since the influent pumps were not operating, untreated sewage eventually overflowed and reached Macabe's Brook. The operators learned about the problem early in the morning of 7/30/2015. Normally numerous alarms would have automatically been sent to the operators, but the lack of emergency power prevented this from occurring. The estimate of the volume of untreated sewage that reached Macabe's Brook is 95,000 gallons.    
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