Facility Name:
St Albans City
Caller Name And Title:
Brian Willett Chief operator
City of St. Albans
Location (street or site):
At the main wastwater plant
Incident Start Date:
Incident End Date:
Incident Start End Times:
06:15 pm to 07:15 pm
Estimated Duration Of Event:
Nature Of Incident:
Discharged treated and undisinfected effluent
Estimated Volume (gallons):
Cause Of Discharge:
Chem Feed Problem
Type Of Obstruction:
Point Of Discharge:
WWTF outfall
Corrective Action Taken:
When the Sodium Hypochlorite pump was found not pumping on auto mode it was put in manual mode to start feeding again. The Sodium Bisulfite pump which is for dichlorination was also put in manual mode and set for the same feed rate as the Hypochlorite until the signal problem is figured out. Everything is good running in manual mode.
Waterbody Impacted:
Stevens Brook Lake Champlain
Contact Name And Title For Public:
Marty Manahan Director of public works
Call Date:
WW Staff Called:
Type Of Notification:
Public Overflow Report For Web:
Description Of Incident:
The 4-20/ma signal that goes and controls the Hypochlorite pump stopped working. All the other chemical pumps were not effected. It was only the Sodium Hypochlorite pump that was effected. The alarm goes to the City Dispatch and an operator was notified. This resulted in a E.coli violation.
nForm Submission Number: