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Facility Name: St Johnsbury    
Caller Name And Title: Chad Whitehead, Town Manager    
Municipality: St Johnsbury    
Location (street or site): CSO 011    
Incident Start Date: 10/01/2019    
Incident End Date: 10/02/2019    
Incident Start End Times: 05:30 pm to 01:00 am    
Estimated Duration Of Event:    
Nature Of Incident: Authorized Wet Weather CSO Overflow    
Estimated Volume (gallons): >1,000 to 10,000 gallons    
Cause Of Discharge: High Flows    
Type Of Obstruction:    
Point Of Discharge: Combined sewer overflow structure    
Corrective Action Taken: none    
Waterbody Impacted: Passumpsic River    
Contact Name And Title For Public: Chad Whitehead, Town Manager    
Call Date:    
WW Staff Called:    
Type Of Notification: nForms    
Public Overflow Report For Web: Y    
Description Of Incident: For authorized CSOs, we recommend the following text be entered into this field: High flows caused by an intense rain storm on 10/1/2019 resulted in the discharge of a combination of sewage and stormwater from CSO 011. This is an authorized discharge intended to protect the sewer system, to prevent overflows from other parts of the sewer system, and to prevent backups into homes and other buildings.    
nForm Submission Number: HNT-7GNN-F5YN5