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Facility Name: Richmond    
Caller Name And Title: Brad Snow    
Municipality: Richmond    
Location (street or site): 441 Bridge Street    
Incident Start Date: 07/11/2024    
Incident End Date: 07/12/2024    
Incident Start End Times: 05:00 am to 09:30 am    
Estimated Duration Of Event:    
Nature Of Incident: Other    
Estimated Volume (gallons): 20000    
Cause Of Discharge: High Flows    
Type Of Obstruction:    
Point Of Discharge: Other    
Corrective Action Taken: When flood waters receded, we got PandP septic services on the job removing all the flooded water that's in the pump station/manhole and surrounding sewage. They are discharging into our wastewater plant. We are heading out right now to spread lime.    
Waterbody Impacted: Winooski River    
Contact Name And Title For Public: Stephen Cote    
Call Date:    
WW Staff Called:    
Type Of Notification: nForms    
Public Overflow Report For Web: Y    
Description Of Incident: High flood water flows from the Winooski River over ran our pump station and its manhole causing river water and sewer to mix and discharge into the river that was flowing right over our infrastructure.    
nForm Submission Number: HQ5-2FRK-ATS3Z