2024/12/03 7:20AM | Winooski | Winooski River | 16 W. Canal Street | State | Spill | Diesel | Fuel line rupture on crane while moving. Some diesel entered DI, light sheens on Winooski River. Vehicle/Equipment fluids release (non-accident) | 12/3/2024 8:22:44 AM | WMD6802024 |
| South Burlington | Winooski River | 141 Shamrock Road | State | Spill | PFAS (PFOA/PFOS) | AFFF release caused by malfunction in fire suppression system. On the morning of 6/21/2024 the release was discovered at Vermont Army National Guard. The fire suppression system contains 800 gallons. Approximately 650 gallons of AFFF were recovered on site in a catch basin prior to leaving the facility. An unknown amount the AFFF entered the South Burlington WWTP. PFAS release from AFFF fire suppression system | 11/18/2024 1:08:49 PM | WMD3332024 |
| Montpelier | | 130 Main St./N.Branch of Winooski | Private Citizen | Unknown | Unknown/unspecified Petroleum | Reporter indicates that sheening is visible on N.Branch of Winooski River behind church. Likely source of sheens is oil discharge to the North Branch during July 2023 flood. Sheens/Product in surface water | 6/3/2024 12:36:20 PM | WMD0752024 |
2023/12/14 11:00PM | Guilford | Fall River | 74 Wolosko Drive | Private Citizen | Dumping | Diesel | Resident reported strong diesel odors outside beginning at 11pm on 12/14. When it was light out there were visible colored sheens on the Roaring Brook and persistent odors. There is a drinking water well onsite. No sources of diesel onsite. Next to Interstate 91. Sheens/Product in surface water | 2/20/2024 10:11:04 AM | WMD8212023 |
2023/11/02 3:00PM | Putney | Sackett Brook | Water St. | Business | Equip/System Failure | #2 Fuel Oil | 30K gallon AST. Company Tradebe Environmental Services from MA cleaned, inspected and gave go ahead to fill. Fuel was delivered by Tradebe and then started to leak out of the tank and into the secondary concrete vault. The amount of delivery was 15K gallons. The vault containment has cracks in it where fuel was released into the environment Tank started leaking after filling. | 2/27/2024 10:30:12 AM | WMD7482023 |
2023/09/27 3:30PM | Troy | Missisquoi | North Troy | Private Citizen | Unknown | Diesel |
Caller from adjacent property reports suspect has been knocking gravel into the Missisquoi River and flood caused bank to collapse. Suspects a piece of equipment is submerged in the river. A rainbow sheen was reported. Caller reports Divers have been reportedly contracted. Sheening intermittent and can be observed from caller’s property. Photo and video evidence can be provided. Sheens/Product in surface water | 11/1/2023 11:49:04 AM | WMD7062023 |
| Montpelier | North Branch Winooski River & Winooski River | Under RR Bridge near 58 State St | Municipality | Spill | Unknown/unspecified Petroleum | Initial call from concerned citizen of sheen behind Diary Creme at 320 State St. Spill Manager tracked back ~2miles upstream to North Branch of the Winooski River between the pedestrian and RR bridges. Montpelier FD also received a call about it tracked back to the same area. Sheen emanating from embankment | 12/27/2023 11:02:54 AM | WMD6332023 |
| Dorset | Wetlands | 25 Marsh Lane | Business | Spill | MODF (mineral oil dielectric fluid) | Release occurred due to tree falling on power line. Impacted wetland and vegetation. Transformer/Capacitor release | 8/25/2023 7:00:33 AM | WMD6222023 |
| Sheldon | Missisquoi River | 121 Heather Lane | Contractor | Equip/System Failure | Unknown/unspecified Petroleum | Hydroelectric facility - 30 to 45 gallon spill of heavy/medium oil -discharged into Missiquoi River (or one of it's tributaries). 2 guys on site - found when they opened this a.m. Unclear where leak occurred. Hydraulic Equipment Failure | 2/12/2024 11:01:51 AM | WMD5952023 |
| Poultney | Yes | Route 140 & Finel Hollow Rd | State | Spill | #2 Fuel Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Unknown | Fuel release from unknown source. No known RP. FD requested assistance from VHMRT. Unknown amount entered Poultney River. Unknown quantity 200+ gallons was released to roadside. Approximately 200 - 250 feet of ditch containing fuel. Approximately 200 feet of Finel Hollow Road (dirt) impacted by fuel. Fuel release onto roadway and roadside from unknown source | 1/28/2025 2:30:04 PM | WMD4932023 |
2023/07/03 9:15AM | Wilmington | North Branch Deerfield River/Harriman Reservoir | off VT RT 9 West | Municipality | Spill | Diesel, Motor Oil | TT Unit and box trailer accident with vehicle in river and driver injured/taken to hospital. Vehicle fluids released to river. Once TT recovered, it was suggested that diesel saddletanks were intact but olfactory evidence suggests there was a diesel as well as motor oil. TT unit in river/reservoir | 12/7/2023 10:50:39 AM | WMD3102023 |
| Saint Johnsbury | Sleepers River/Passumpsic | 448 Main Street | Private Citizen | Unknown | Unknown/unspecified Petroleum | person using path noticed sheens on river called 911. Near parking lot of start of Lamoille Valley Trail back of Old South Main Auto. Bridge? Discovered before 9AM. Potentially some spill was liberated due to previous heavy rain. Sheens/Product in surface water | 7/5/2022 3:20:34 PM | WMD2052022 |
2022/01/23 8:55PM | Townshend | Mill Brook | 2042 VT Route 30 | Municipality | Equip/System Failure | Waste Oil | Maintenance garage water sprinkler pipes froze and broke. Flooded garage and knocked over about 1/2 full 5 gallon bucket of used oil. Oil spilled and water and oil traveled under garage door and migrated across asphalt to storm drains. Poor Housekeeping | 8/19/2022 6:14:01 PM | WMD0242022 |
2021/12/11 2:30AM | Brandon | Otter Creek River | Rte 73 between Brandon and Sudbury | Municipality | Equip/System Failure | Gasoline, Motor Oil | Car went off road into the river. Could not locate until the next day because if migrated down river. automobile in river | 1/5/2022 2:12:40 PM | WMD5132021 |
2021/10/31 11:00AM | Barre Town | Stevens Branch | Sterling Hill Road/Cherrywood Dr. | State | Unknown | Milk/Whey | Significant amount of foam emanating out of several sewer manhole covers in Barre Town. Through assessment of dozens of sewer covers it was determined that the likely origin of the release is the Vermont Creamery on Pitman road. After speaking with the plant manager and walking through the facility it is unknown where the release occurred and what might be causing the serious foaming. Serious foaming issue in municipal wastewater system | 11/4/2021 1:07:49 PM | WMD4492021 |
| Londonderry | tributary to the West River | VT Rte 11 and west intersection of Doane Lane | Municipality | Spill | Diesel, Motor Oil | Incident occurred most likely around or before 7AM. Release happened approx. 1500 feet uphill and west of waterbody. Some motor oil some diesel. A good portion of the spill ended up on pavement and localized. Some diesel migrated down hill in stream/rivulet. TT crash. Motor oil and saddle tank leaked. | 9/3/2021 11:30:12 AM | WMD5622020 |
2020/12/30 11:31AM | Shelburne | Tributary to the Laplatte River | 768 Mt. Philo Rd. | Private Citizen | Spill | #2 Fuel Oil, Kerosene | Red fuel oil discovered from caretaker of the residents of 777 Mt Philo Rd. in rivulet. Traced fuel source across road to a rented property. Fuel migrated across the road through storm drainage. AST settled off blocks and fuel line sheared. Source of contamination AST on Collette's property where tank sank into ground breaking the filter housing off of the tank.
Above Ground Tank line (piping), fitting, filter leak | 11/4/2024 8:57:47 AM | WMD5612020 |
2020/06/10 12:00PM | South Hero | Lake Champlain | 479 West Shore Rd. | Business | Spill | Gasoline | Vessel was docked but ended up inundated with water due to damaging winds and significant waves on the lake. Sunken vessel. | 6/24/2020 10:01:04 AM | WMD2392020 |
2019/09/03 | Berkshire | Missisquoi River | 2861-2879 Rte 105 E.Berkshire | Contractor | Equipment or System Failure | Elevated E.coli and ammonia in public storm drain outfall. | | 9/3/2019 10:53:05 AM | WSMD50 |
2019/08/21 | Newport City | Unnamed tributary of Lake Memphremagog | Stormwater outfall near Sias Avenue
Outfall # NC_1050 | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage from Room #131 | | 8/30/2019 2:48:47 PM | WSMD49 |
2019/05/16 12:00AM | Plainfield | Great Brook | 123 Hudson Ave. | Private Citizen | Unknown | Unknown/unspecified Petroleum | Reporter stated he has been witnessing a blueish slick or sheen emanating from the ground in a field and seeping into the Great Brook across the street from his house. It has been occurring for 3 days and it's getting worse. petroleum blueish slick | 5/17/2019 1:58:43 PM | WMD2072019 |
2019/04/27 12:00AM | Westmore | tributary to Ministers Brook | Lacross Lane | Private Citizen | Cross Connection | Manure | Complainant indicated that manure was running from manure pit along a man made ditch to an seasonal stream bed that goes into Ministers Brook. Complainant viewed the issue Sunday. Mike Woods the neighbor encountered it on Saturday and notified John Zimmer manure escaping from manure pit/pond | 7/5/2019 10:12:36 AM | WMD1822019 |
2019/03/28 | Hyde Park | Gihon River | Leaking septic on or near intersection of Route 100 and Route 100B in North Hyde Park | State | Equipment or System Failure | High levels of bacteria and ammonia | | 3/28/2019 12:29:39 PM | WSMD45 |
2019/03/21 12:00PM | Springfield | | 458 Craigue Hill Road | State | Spill | #2 Fuel Oil | Fuel oil provider performed delivery of 125 gallons of oil morning of 3/21. When homeowner returned later that day they discovered the legs of the basement AST buckled and the filter was knocked off which resulted in over 150 gallons of fuel on released on the basement floor. Basement floor is concrete but in poor condition with significant cracks. No floor drain. Brook is located approximately 50' away from residence. Legs on basement AST buckled resulting in fuel oil release. | 11/10/2021 2:10:23 PM | WMD1122019 |
2018/08/28 12:00AM | Milton | Lamoille | Icehouse Rd | Municipality | Spill | | Liquid magnesium chloride (30% by weight) used for dust suppression and salting roads was being transferred from onsite tanks to a tanker truck for use. The tank on the truck was overfilled causing a release. magnesium chloride release | 1/10/2019 3:36:00 PM | WMD3782018 |
2018/06/09 12:00PM | Colchester | Lake Champlain | Mallets Bay | State | Spill | Gasoline | Vessel caught fire due to engine failure immediately after filling up at the pump island at Mallets bay Marina. Passenger jumped ship and the wind pushed the burning vessel through several occupied moorings. One other boat that was hooked up to mooring caught fire as a result. The burning vessel came to rest on a private beach near the marina at which point the fire dept. applied fire retardant foam and water. It was reported that only a small volume of fuel was on the water surface and no sheens were observed. smoke damage was reported in nearby residence. Vessel caught fire | 6/13/2018 10:31:45 AM | WMD2512018 |
2018/06/06 12:00PM | Randolph | Penny Brook | Discharge on field adjacent to Penny Brook | State | Equipment or System Failure | Residuals from Digester including digested manure, composting leachate, brewery wastes and water | While pumping liquid waste from the Digester to the fields a coupling failed and 5,000 gallons of liquid waste ran overland and into Penny Brook | 6/8/2018 11:59:02 AM | WSMD42 |
2018/05/15 03:00PM | Whitingham | Sauger Brook, Harriman Reservoir | Sauger Brook, Harriman Reservoir | State | Spill | #2 fuel oil | Accidental release from AST to cellar floor drain. Floor drain connected to municipal storm sewer. Storm sewer discharges to Sauger Brook. | 5/15/2018 6:17:36 PM | WSMD41 |
2018/05/11 | Proctor | Otter Creek | Box culvert behind 99 South St | Contractor | Unknown | Sewage | E.coli > 1000 col/100 ml | 5/11/2018 12:18:45 PM | WSMD40 |
2018/03/12 12:00AM | Montpelier | Winooski River | 7 Green Mountain Dr. | Municipality | Spill | MODF (mineral oil dielectric fluid) | Sheen noted in river. FD tracked back to culvert that discharges from GMP Service facility. Transformer fell over | 7/3/2018 2:00:59 PM | WMD1022018 |
2017/12/18 7:00AM | Ferrisburgh | unnamed stream that flows west across Rte 7 | 4270 US Route 7 | Contractor | Equip/System Failure | #2 Fuel Oil | thin film of oil on several inches of water in basement. 14-18 ppm vapors in living space. Small amount of oil also discovered on snow and in a stream where it went down a sleeved pipe through the foundation wall. pinhole leak in copper line | 7/10/2023 10:24:16 AM | WMD6512017 |
2017/10/30 09:00AM | Richmond | Joiner Brook | Manhole prior to RBC treatment unit at Bolton Valley Resort indirect wastewater treatment plant. | State | Equipment or System Failure | Untreated domestic wastewater | Power outage due to storm caused overflow of domestic wastewater from ski resort's indirect wastewater treatment facility. Power could not be restored immediately due to blocked access road from storm. | 10/31/2017 9:17:43 AM | WSMD36 |
2017/10/27 | Alburg | Wetland to Lake Champlain | Storm drain outfall located at 1 South Main St, Alburgh Vermont | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage | Domestic wastewater from private residences. | 11/20/2017 2:13:51 PM | WSMD35 |
2017/05/04 12:00PM | Burlington | Lake Champlain | | Municipality | Spill | Motor Oil | Burlington Dept. of Parks & Recreation boat was being launched into Champlain when personnel noticed sheen on water, source was identified as a loose fuel filter. The release was immediately stopped then contained. Incident occurred at the coast guard boat launch. Oil filter dislodged on vessel resulting is motor oil release to surface water | 5/5/2017 1:20:18 PM | WMD1972017 |
2017/04/26 11:30AM | Barton | Willoughby Brook/Barton River | 63 Glover Rd | State | Spill | Gasoline | During construction drilling for bridge pier installation, a water main was broken causing upwelling of known contaminated soil to ground surface. Some of this contaminated sediment was discharged into the Willoughby Brook tributary to the Barton River. The amount of sediment could not be estimated, however water flowed out of the borehole for approximately 20 minutes before the water main could be closed. Cont. found during subsurface work | 6/19/2017 1:49:31 PM | WMD1782017 |
2017/01/03 | St. Johnsbury | Styles Brook | North of Interstate 93 at Styles Brook | Municipality | Cross Connection | backwash from water treatment facility | backwash from WTF is directly plumbed to town sewer; appears to be a break in the plumbing line between the WTF and the town sewer. Town is onsite repairing. | 1/4/2017 3:33:40 PM | WSMD32 |
2016/12/13 3:00PM | Mount Holly | Mill River | 1300 Route 103 | State | Spill | Anti-freeze, Diesel, Motor Oil | Truck hauling 20 - 25 tons of calcium carbonate (bagged powder), according to Fire Chief, CC wet but not released. RP is a Canadian Trucking firm based in Ontario (See Contacts). Truck driver transported to Rutland Regional Medical Center. TT roll-over into Mill River - fluids lost | 6/13/2017 11:48:44 AM | WMD5472016 |
2016/09/08 | Derby | Clyde River | 31 Hinman Settler Road | State | Equipment or System Failure | Sewage | Failed septic system leaking into small stream and state storm sewer system. Discharge is directly below Rte 105 bridge. | 9/8/2016 12:21:02 PM | WSMD29 |
2016/08/22 | Pawlet | Flower Brook | Municipal storm drain outfall behind 82 School Street | State | Cross Connection | Sewage | Failed septic system | 8/30/2016 11:13:52 AM | WSMD22 |
2016/08/01 | Barre City | Edgewood Brook | Municipal stormwater outfall located 150 feet north of baseball diamond at 70 Camp Street | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage | Broken house lateral discharging to storm line. Discovered after correction of leaking municipal sewer line. | 8/30/2016 11:04:11 AM | WSMD18 |
2016/08/01 | Barre City | Gunner's Brook | Municipal outfall to Gunner's Brook behind 112 Maple Avenue, about 366 feet upstream from Brook Street bridge crossing of brook | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage | Suspected broken house sewer lateral on Maple Avenue is leaking into municipal storm drain discharging to Gunner's Brook. | 8/1/2016 1:53:32 PM | WSMD16 |
2016/08/01 | Barre Town | Edgewood Brook | Municipal stormwater outfall behind 30 Smith Farm Road | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage | Suspected sewer cross contamination from Countryside Drive neighborhood. | 8/1/2016 2:31:45 PM | WSMD19 |
2016/07/26 | Lunenburg | Unnamed tributary to the Connecticut River | Municipal storm drain on Jefferson St | Contractor | Cross Connection | Sewage | Backed up and leaking sewer | 1/15/2019 3:57:48 PM | WSMD27 |
2016/07/26 | Lunenburg | Neal Brook | Municipal storm drain outfall opposite 165 West Main St in Lunenburg Village | Contractor | Equipment or System Failure | Sewage | Failed septic leakin into municipal storm drain. Unknown location | 9/8/2016 12:18:20 PM | WSMD26 |
2016/07/05 | Fair Haven | Unnamed tributary Poultney River | Municipal storm drain in front of 70 South Main St. | State | Equipment or System Failure | Sewage | Failed septic system | 1/15/2019 3:52:22 PM | WSMD3 |
2016/06/09 10:00AM | Burlington | Lake Champlain | Global Bulk Facility by Oakledge Park | Municipality | Spill | Fire suppressant foam | Unpermitted discharge of fire suppressant foam | 7/8/2016 2:47:42 PM | WSMD9 |
2016/06/07 | Montpelier | North Branch of the Winooski River | 172 Main Street, Montpelier | Contractor | Cross Connection | sewage | leaking sewer main into storm sewer | 10/20/2016 2:03:46 PM | WSMD10 |
2016/05/20 02:41PM | Orange | Wetland | wetland near the intersection of Highway 302 and Reservoir Road | State | Spill | driveway sealant (tar) | Vermont HAZ-MAT team was notified by Emergency Management of an accident involving a pickup hauling a trailer; the trailer capsized causing the accident and associated spill of 40 gallons of driveway sealant (tar). The driver was evacuated. At time of notification approximately 15 gallons of the material had been removed through had excavation by the fire department and the cleanup contractor was in-route. The immediate threat was neutralized and preventative measures put in place. Excavation of soils for disposal is scheduled for the week of 6/27-7/1. | 7/7/2016 3:42:21 PM | WSMD6 |
2016/05/20 | Bennington | Walloomsac River (Hoosic Drainage) | Stormwater outfall between 1789 & 1955 North Bennington Road | State | Equipment or System Failure | sewage | Sewer main break on First Street, Bennington College | 11/4/2016 1:32:12 PM | WSMD8 |